Live Streaming CrazyJim, Super Broken Senna Build vs People losing on purpose. Stats: 3-7

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Stats are already only 3 games of below average, average or winning teams
and 7 hard core losing on purpose teams...

The bell curve is 30/40/30. For losing/average/winning... and we're talking losing on purpose people who don't even cs or fight in battles so the bottom 1/3 of 30.

Stats should be 9 poor/average /winning teams and 1 super losing on purpose... But instead we only have 3 poor/average/winning teams and 7 super losing on purpose. We have enough stats now to tell it's rigged, but lets keep getting stats and seeing what stalkers harass me about on social media related to this...

Banned on Twitch for standing for peaceful protestors Hong Kong and Women's Rights.

#1 Senna NA mastery

Made all 3 pro builds.

Also #1 world Starcraft all races, Warcraft3 all races, Diablo2 HC 3 characters, C&C3, SC2 2v2. Proof:

Many say the GOAT. And I know the Spirit of Jesus is real. Love's the way. Be good and loving to all. Proof of God:

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