In A Nutshell......GENOCIDE

1 year ago

"Government Policy" is a polite way of describing 100% deliberate genocide using an untested, unapproved genetic bioweapon.

ALL you scumbags who participated in this satanic ritual of depopulation will be dealt with by the military. We tried to warn you and we never stopped warning you for almost 4 years, but you never listened. Malfeasance of Public Office carries a maximum term of Lifetime Imprisonment, but this was an orchestrated, well planned act of of luck, you're going to need it. 2020 was the start of God's IQ Test....many failed it.

There will be absolutely NO amnesty

When the Nazi Health Service use fancy names on their letterheads several years ago...such as "Ipsos MORI" wise people use a Latin translator to find out what it means. Wise people also knew of the Agenda 201 meeting in NYC on 18 Oct 2019, and wise people knew what happened to Kary Banks Mullis just weeks before that...WE WERE WATCHING YOU !!!

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