Episode 47 - Contagion, Part 4: The Plandemic, War of the Cabal, the Cabal, Clinton, Pizzagate

1 year ago

Americanhardmind and Synchronicity continue Contagion with Part 4, The Plandemic. This episode highlights War of the Cabal through the Cabal, continuing with Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Pizzagate scandal, introducing major actors such as James Alefantis and Cosmic Pizza, John Podesta and his emails, Tony Podesta and his art, and Marina Abramovic and spirit cooking.

Brief contents:
Wikileaks (2009-2013) & Seth Rich, 2016
James Alefantis & Comet Ping-Pong
John Podesta's DNC emails & Pizzagate
Amrita Mahbubani & Ekta Foundation
Biljana Djurdjevic's art
Marina Abramovic & spirit cooking
Rhythm 0 - https://vimeo.com/71952791
The Artist Is Present, 2010

Essential sources:
Xaos Therapy: Epstein & Espionage https://www.bitchute.com/video/BUMEViN6HTNx/
Xaos Therapy: Clinton, Sex & Gore https://www.bitchute.com/video/afzKPx83SzgF/
Head Of The Snake https://www.bitchute.com/video/2nC0epuifpU/
Out Of Shadows https://www.bitchute.com/video/l8nuHIlmugbY/
Enter The PizzaGate https://www.bitchute.com/video/AEwAFxUdByoc/
Mouthy Buddha https://www.bitchute.com/channel/wnuZEpMvRZs6/
Fall Cabal https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ws4fMTn6yNc7/

Correction: Naomi Campbell's home is the Eye of Horus, not the Eye of Ra. Apologies.

This is what to expect in Episode 48:
Contagion, Part 4: The Plandemic, War of the Cabal, the Cabal, Obama, Renegade

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