The Secret Religion that Runs the World – Ex-Freemason – X-Factor Winner Altiyan Childs – *MUST SEE*

1 year ago

The Secret Society that Runs the World – a Top 10 for me!

This written from notes I took lecture from Altiyan Childs and I took it a bit further by looking up books, writings and other videos. This should help connect a LOT of dots.

I personally have been in contact with Altiyan and we do correspond regularly. He is getting a lot of attention for doing this video and deservingly so. Altiyan says that the Holy Spirit helped him put it together so we could all understand the truth.

Free Masonry – the secret satanic society that all politicians and entertainers belong to.

There is a secret religion that runs this world and if you think that one religion is Christian and for the good of the people you have some waking up to do.

Why? Because we all are currently following and looking up to this secret religion for leadership and for health care.

What if I were to say this secret group that runs the world really doesn’t give a rats ass about the people and in fact they look at the people like cattle ready for the harvest?

What if all the members of this secret religion had to swear an oath of silence never to tell anyone outside the inner circle?

What if the penalty for speaking about the secret religion is death?

What if almost ALL of our politicians world wide belonged to this secret religion?

Full Transcript and Commentary can be found here - too lengthy to for Rumble -

Free Mason Signs and Symbol Illustrations here

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