The Italian Intelligence Services "We're watching a coup d'etat in the United States of America"

1 year ago

Every Person In America Needs To Watch This Video ‼️ On The Record Testimonies That Our Elections Are Being Stolen. Two Affidavits Provided To Congress “Work to change the results of the United States election” Audio Evidence Acquired From Inside The CIA & State Department

“— Italian Intelligence Services. She said, uncle, Arturo came home and said, he doesn't understand why we're stealing America's election”

“The Italian Intelligence Services reach out to us November 18. They said, something happened. We're watching a coup d'etat in the United States of America. They were fearful of meeting with anyone. There were two affidavits that were delivered into Congress and they were delivered from Italian citizens”

“Intelligence agencies had been trying to reach out because their country had already fallen. And that is what is happening around the world. The intelligence agencies are watching corruption come in to their countries and buying off politicians and hiding things and using fraud to do amazing efforts to take over and own property and, in some instances, countries.

So today I'm going to play for you an audio tape that should shock you all. It'll shock America.

— Defense contracting firm had some strange occurrences happening with people coming in and out that the intelligence services witnessed of people coming from Frankfurt into the Italian US embassy in Rome on Via Veneto. This instance enabled individuals to come forward and supposedly, according to the Italian intelligence services, work with Leonardo to change the results of the United States election.

But more frightening is that they claim there were 47 to 52 presidential elections around the world. And they now have telemetry experts over 200 that speak foreign languages that are all different. So what you are dealing with is a very calculated attempt to take down presidencies and control countries.

So this audio that I am about to play for you is from an individual who is a member of the CIA and the State Department.

His name is Larry Johnson. Many of you may not know, but I am the person not only who hand delivered that letter to Donald Trump on Christmas Eve in 2020, telling him who stole the election, where they stole it and how they stole it. And my number one goal was to bring back one of the people who was in the satellite center, his name was Arturo Della. My goal was to rescue him and bring him over to America because he was willing to testify.

There were people that would not assist that I thought would assist, but what was most shocking was this voice recording that I will play now.”

I can’t transcribe it all due to X’s text limits but this is UNDERSTANDABLE EVIDENCE OUR ELECTIONS ARE VEING STOLEN

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