Surah Al-Anam | Maher Al Meaqli

11 months ago

Islam | Qur'an | 06 Surah Al-Anam - "The Cattle"

Surah Al-An'am is the sixth chapter of the Quran, with 165 verses. It was revealed in Mecca and is titled "The Cattle" in English. The surah dwells on themes such as the clear signs of Allah's Dominion and Power, rejecting polytheism and unbelief, the establishment of Tawhid, the Revelation, Messengership, and Resurrection. It begins by highlighting Allah's authority and concludes by emphasizing accountability for one's deeds. The surah takes its name from verses 136, 138, and 139, where some superstitious beliefs of the idolatrous Arabs concerning the lawfulness of some cattle and the unlawfulness of some others have been refuted.

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