No one cares about your $100,000 MBA. But they will care about your million-dollar ideas.

1 year ago

Imagine yourself walking into a room, holding your freshly minted MBA like a shield of invincibility.

You've earned it.
60 months of grueling classes, case studies, all-nighters.

But wait, no one cares about your $100,000 MBA.


Let's unpack this.

Buckminster Fuller once said,
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

Your MBA? It's the existing model.
The world? Craving the new.

The corporate world isn't a classroom.
The markets? Not a textbook case study.

What does the business landscape truly value?

Over theory.

Over conformity.

Over exam scores.

Consider Reed Hastings.
A Master's in Computer Science. Yet, he upended the entertainment industry with Netflix.

Look at Rachel Carlson.
Her degree? Public Policy and Education. But she's reinventing higher education with Guild Education.

They didn't wield MBAs.
They wielded ideas.

The greatest equations you'll solve in business won't be on a chalkboard.

And the greatest lessons won't come from a 500-page textbook.

Rather, they will be inked on the canvas of real-world experiences.

You see, experience is a ruthless teacher,
But it's through its trials we gain wisdom.

Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu put it aptly,
"The wise man learns more from his enemies than a fool from his friends."

Success in the business world doesn't care for your diploma.

It cares for your capacity to learn, adapt, and create.

The next time you feel the weight of your MBA, remember this:

It's not about what you have learned, but what you can learn.

It's not about the knowledge you've accumulated, but the wisdom you can glean.

It's not about your MBA.
It's about you.

No one cares about your $100,000 MBA. But they will care about your million-dollar ideas.

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