GoFundMe Treatment for Cynthia’s Tremor

10 months ago

Dear friends, we would like to give you a little background concerning Cynthia‘s medical condition.
In 2019, around December, Cynthia noticed a Tremor in her right hand. After a few months she saw her primary care physician, who then recommended a neurologist, which, overtime she would see three more neurologist. In the beginning her diagnosis was Essential Tremor. Over the years since then, seeing all kinds of doctors, five MRIs, many blood test, Spinal Tap, acupuncture, massage, medicines with side affects that created more problems than helped. Cynthia’s Tremor began affecting her left hand and some tremor in her head. At this time doctors no longer believed this was Essential Tremor because Essential Tremor typically does not move to other body parts. Cynthia was tested for Parkinson’s disease and thankfully she does not have Parkinson’s. Unfortunately doctors then admitted that they didn’t know what disease Cynthia has and there was nothing more they could do.

In the fall 2020 she began occupational therapy, physical therapy, and then, as the tremors became worse in her head, she began speech therapy. One of her therapies involved, using special eating utensils, because the tremor made feeding her self very difficult. Her physical therapy concentrated on strategies for learning to walk safely. Speech therapy began in earnest as her throat tremor made speech difficult. During her therapy she began her medical leave from her employer UL LLC. She previously had retired from her career as a Marine Biologist.

Through 2021 tremors throughout her body made simple everyday tasks impossible. Bob’s role was now round the clock caregiver. It has been Bob’s honor to be the caregiver of his beautiful, beloved wife. Cooking, feeding, dressing, bathing, medication, handling medical appointments and financial affairs are some of what his caregiving role involves.

In 2022 a good friend recommended we see Dr. Amy Knight St. Clair and gifted Cynthia visits at her Floatwell Clinic. I observed during Dr. Amy’s laser treatment, Cynthia’s head tremor stopped. Another treatment involved Cynthia holding a device that stops her hand tremors. The previously mentioned treatments, along with others stop or reduce frequency of her involuntary movements. Dr. Amy has given Bob and Cynthia hope that with regular treatments tremors will cease wracking her body every waking moment.
The constant tremor in Cynthia’s body has caused unhealthy weight loss to 84 pounds. Bob is constantly feeding her to increase weight. If she loses too much weight her doctor says a feeding tube will have to be inserted into her stomach.

Treatments cost $150 for 1/2 hour, although Dr. Amy usually treats Cynthia for an hour or more. Cynthia’s health insurance does not cover any treatments. Bob’s retired and Cynthia was retired by UL LLC in 2022 after lengthy medical leave. Because of this Cynthia treatments have been once a month. Dr. Amy recommends daily treatments for several hours and will match funds raised through Go Fund Me. Any amount of donate will be greatly appreciated. Please consider funding a treatment if you can.

We hope this background information answers most of your questions. Please feel free to ask questions.
Thank you very much for watching the video and reading Cynthia’s story.

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