AK-103 PSA you need to fix this…VZ58 saves the day!

1 year ago

It appears PSA may have made their Ak, not to Warsaw pact standards and it is showing. I show in this video what will happen over time if any rivet structure firearm system is built in the manner.
You may have one that is running great and so far mine is too. But as more rounds succor through it the opening of the headspace will occur. Now this happens to all guns over time but that is usually beyond 5 thousand rounds. I made this video because I watched m26_lemon_grenades video and he is spot on. I was an SOT at one time I have built lots of AK’s. So I am not speaking from limited experience. Check it and comment, if you too are having issue please comment.

Have a great day!
Music by Brad Puna
“When the end times come”

Art by Georgia Nichols

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