Air-check: Charlie Ocean, Mobile, Alabama's WAVH, Oldies 106, February, 1998

1 year ago

This was recorded in my apartment, on a cassette, when I was desperately trying to get a job on the air in Mobile. I'd moved there for another type of job, which I hated. So, trying to make ends meet, I did almost anything for employment. I even delivered milk to schools for a short spell. I was home on this day, I really wanted a job at Oldies 106, but hadn't even been interviewed at this point. I popped the tape in, and recorded this short little tidbit of audio history. Charlie Ocean was a "name" in Mobile radio. I wasn't from Mobile, so I had no idea who he was. I was warned by my program director, when I finally got hired, stay out of Charlie's way, BLAH BLAH BLAH. Well, I followed Charlie on the air, 5 nights a week, and to make a long story short, Charlie was actually a pretty cool guy to work with. My program director, Tim Rose? Not so much. Charlie passed away, maybe about 10 years ago now. I had no idea until a year or two ago. Charlie's real name was Robert Murphy, which I never understood why he didn't use Bob Murphy on the air, but who knows? So, I dedicate this air-check to Charlie Ocean. Hope y'all enjoy.

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