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TCMS#11 Black (African) Race Realism
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Race Realism
"The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those
who speak it." –Orwell
Race realism is the appreciation of the differing physical and intellectual attributes of the various races. The relative dearth of intelligence and impulse control of the black race results in the black race consistently achieving the lowest level of societal success. In a leftist-free society, this inequality of outcome would breed no more than understandable frustration in blacks, and compassion from everyone else. Because leftism does thrive, leftists have totally subverted the truth of race realism, as well as all the compassion whites have shown to blacks, so that they are able to promote the evil narrative that the cause of black failure is actually white oppression. Their narrative is based on nothing reasonable yet has generated a massive vogue of multifaceted aggressive anti-white racism. Moral citizens have a responsibility not only to whites but indeed to blacks as well as all people to assert the race-realist truths that debunk the lies supporting Democrat anti-white racism that result not only in direct pejoratives and slander but most consequentially in vicious social policies.
As Michael Levin states in his critically acclaimed book on intellectual race-realism titled “Why Race Matters,” “The right of the accused to present his case includes the right to raise issues that distress his accuser. A plaintiff demanding damages for a broken leg cannot ask at the same time that his leg not be talked about, nor take offense when the defendant presents evidence that the injury was congenital. By claiming harm he opens question of why his leg is game. Claiming racial harm has opened the topic of race differences.”
Mountains of irrefutable science coupled with overwhelming history so demand the acceptance of race realism that its denial implies insincerity or insanity. Indeed it is both.
The Democrats’ psychotic necessity to maintain their all-important false oppression narrative has spawned race-realism denial so ridiculous that asserting utterly obvious racial intelligence reality necessitates paragraphs of proof where none should suffice. If the human species didn’t evolve differently during the 70,000 years after separating for Africa to
very different climates, then Darwinian evolution itself would prove invalid. For starters, irrefutable science has corroborated that many dozens of characteristics such as blood-pressure, blood chemistry, and bone density prove different between races. At least 60,000 diseases correlate to specific races. Differences in physical attributes such as muscle fiber and hip
axis length between whites and blacks obviously contribute to the superiority of black athleticism which can be confirmed in the typical 100% black ethnicity of Olympic 100 meter dash finalists and modern National Basketball Association all-star teams.
Among countless other scientists, the work of Douglas Whitman documents a widest variety of race specific distinct evolutionary adaptations. He notes the exact nucleotide differences within the exact genes within the exact chromosomes that cause many of these differences, and the racial and geographic distribution of the humans that contain these genes. These evolutionary adaptations occur in all creatures, and they are as varied as they are intriguing. Arctic rabbits evolved dense fur to retain heat, and tiny ears and feet to minimize exposed surface area. Desert rabbits evolved the opposite traits to dissipate heat. Swamp rabbits evolved thick fur to rebuff the bites of abundant insects. Both camels and the African Khoekhoe humans evolved fat storage dominantly in their lower backs or rears so that the rest of the body remains free of insulation thus allowing maximal cooling. Humans in cold climates evolved long straight hair for insulation while humans in tropical climates evolved frizzy hair that allowed the neck and shoulders to remain cool and also free of disease-promoting dampness. The Terra Del Fuegians who lived at the southern tip of South America evolved tolerance to cold temperatures. Centuries of livestock breeding evolved in Europeans a tolerance to the lactose in dairy products. The genetically isolated Australian Aborigines possess the keenest sense of smell, obviously evolved from hunter-gatherer survival. Filipino sea gypsies evolved a culture sustained through underwater gathering, and thus evolved eyes conducive to sea submersion and spleens that produce hemoglobin rich blood granting their incredible ability to descend as low as 200 feet while holding their breath for up to 13 minutes!
Though it is obviously stupid to expect that the brain organ reacts singularly evolutionally differently than the rest of the organs, it is only because intellectual traits are not directly visible as are physical traits that leftists can still spin resistance against intellectual racial truth. Everyone knows that leftists repress this obvious truth because they incorrectly fear it will generate wrong yet dangerous validation that blacks are less societally worthy. Though this fear is plausible, it does not alter humanity’s correct highest respect for truth. Additionally, the handful of sociopaths that would disrespect blacks is far insignificant. On the other hand, the ever-present multifaceted suffering the citizenry endures, especially whites, by not affirming racial intellectual differences is as severe as it is incommensurate with the rest of Western progress. Thirdly, despite moronic contrary leftist belief, there is zero shame in a race’s characteristic lower IQ. It is obvious to any healthy person that all of us have equal spiritual worth. Besides, there’s a whole lot more to the quality of a person than exceptional intelligence, such as his integrity, sense of humor, compassion, courage, talents, experiences, and wisdom. All of this should be obvious, yet as always, leftist sickness demands of us repugnant chores of lengthy elucidation.
Leftist suppression of racial truth evidences in the instant and unmitigated character assassination of anyone, regardless of his qualifications, that notes or contributes to the mountains upon mountains of evidence proving the truth of black intellectual ability.
No less than Nobel laureate James Watson, discoverer of the DNA helix, was appallingly driven from scientific society because of his objective race-realist statements. Immediately after he spoke he was forced to cancel his publicity tour. Though his affiliated Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory gained world-wide prestige and finances from his forty years of work on the human genome, in 2019 the Lab administrators unceremoniously fired him and stripped him of all his honorary titles. This great pioneer who contributed so much to humanity must now live his remaining days as a pariah. The left’s assassination squads forced The University of Chicago to suddenly cease pursuit of a 2005 patent for professor Bruce Lahn’s biological test confirming superior levels of intelligence through a presence of genes abundant in Europeans and rare in Africans. When questioned on his university’s motive for withdrawal, Lahn replied, “It’s getting too controversial… society will have to grapple with some very difficult facts.” In 2018, University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax was removed from her freshman classes because when specifically questioned on the downsides of affirmative action, she stated, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a black student graduate in the top quarter of the class, and rarely, rarely in the top half.”
It could not be more obvious either from academic testing or historical accomplishment that whites are more intelligent than blacks. There is nothing, literally nothing in modern intellectual discussion more ridiculous than the denial of this fact. Let’s put it this way: if it were indeed true that one race was more intelligent than another, what would be the evidence a rational mind would accept to prove it true? A reasonable analysis compares the aggregate racially separated results of tests in various academic subjects, as well as the results of tests designed specifically to manifest possible differences in intellectual ability. Additionally it compares the quantity and quality of all cultural achievements of each race.
Consistently from World War I to the present, IQ tests show an average black IQ of 85 and an average white IQ of 100. As one of very many examples, Shuey’s 1966 “The Testing of Negro
Intelligence” performed 382 studies derived from 80 separate tests conducted over 40 years with hundreds of thousands of blacks and whites widely varying in all demographics such as age, income, background, and profession. Virtually all the results of these tests manifested this same 85 and 100 average IQ result. Exactly 0 out of 16,000 United States school districts show black student grades on par with grades of whites, and 0 out of 16,000 show white student grades on par with grades of East Asians. Tests specifically designed to eliminate cultural bias also confirmed consistent intelligence disparities between various races, most relevantly between blacks and whites. As can be seen in the graphic, these tests contained no language; they scored on pattern recognition. A second test challenged subjects to repeat back series of numbers. Because this was a memory test, all subjects scored basically equally. Yet when they were challenged to repeat back the numbers in reverse order, Asians scored highest and blacks scored lowest.
There exists overwhelming documented consistency between racial intelligence and income. Global IQ’s average 112 for Ashkenazi Jews, 106 for East Asians, 100 for whites, 89 for Hispanics, and 85 for blacks. In 2018 United States, the median household income was $129,000 for Jews, $87,194 for Asians, $70,642 for whites, $51,450 for Hispanics, and $41,361 for blacks. Linda Gottfredson at the University Delaware utilized the racial bell curves of intelligence with IQ data of different professionals to reveal professional consequences of IQ differences. Professor Gottfredson’s conclusions revealed that professions requiring high IQ’s such as those of lawyers, chemists, or executives prove 30 times more likely to be occupied by whites than blacks.
Many studies have confirmed the virtual irrelevance of IQ to family affluence and racial environment. Sandra Scarr and Richard Weinberg tested the IQ’s of many black children adopted by upper and middle class white families. The results revealed that white and black small children had basically the same IQ’s, but at 18 years the black children had IQ’s merely 2-3 points above the historical black mean of 85. A 2009 study of SAT scores revealed the resounding fact that black students from families with yearly incomes above $160,000 scored lower than whites from families with incomes less than $20,000 year. A second powerful testament to the consistency of black intellectual inferiority independent of environment is that in 1972 Ugandan’s Indians represented 1% of the population yet accounted for 90% of Uganda’s tax revenue. New president Idi Amin expelled this Indian population in the expectation that the native
black population would take over these lucrative economic positions within the already erected economy. Instead, Uganda’s economy shrunk by more than half. In 1986, Yoweri Museveni
became president, and encouraged Indians to return. Presently the Ugandan Indians represent 1% of the population yet pay 65% of Uganda’s taxes.
As can be seen in the graph above, University of Ontario’s Professor John Philippe Rushton used CAT and MRI scans to measure the skullsizes of various races. These tests indisputably revealed a consistent direct correlation between skull size and racial intelligence. Chinese typically manifest large skull sizes while blacks manifest the smallest.
Such racial disparities can be witnessed in the historical results of chess players. While 5 of the 12 twentieth century world chess champions are Jewish, not only are zero black, but out of the 1680 historical grandmasters, only 3 of them are black, and each barely achieved the qualification.
There exists a critical correlation between crime and racial intelligence and temperament. Because the main deterrent to crime is the intelligent appreciation of future legal consequences, the less intelligent commit more crime. Additionally, because blacks have been proven to produce more than average testosterone, it makes sense that they possess less restraint ability, and thus prove more prone to violence. The consequences of these obviously true conclusions evidence in profound racial disparities in violent crime statistics. Though blacks make up 13% of the population, the US Department of Justice confirms that blacks committed 52.5% of all homicides from 1980 to 2008. E. Rubenstein’s book “Color of Crime” reveals that in 2013, United States blacks committed an astounding 27 times more violent crime against whites than whites did against blacks. Furthermore, if the total New York City population was white, the murder rate would fall 91%, the shootings rate by 97%, and the robbery rate by 81%; If Chicago had an all-white population, murder would fall 90%, rape by 81%, and robbery by 90%. Ponder those staggering numbers. Thus, it is not racism but healthy intelligence that compels a woman to clench her purse when walking past a group of blacks. Of course everyone would prefer a different reality, yet all proof confirms that blacks are naturally predisposed to commit more crime. This in itself is not an untenable condition. The untenable condition is created from the Democrat denial of it.
To eliminate the possibility that low black intelligence and social progress are a consequence of historic United States oppression, note that even with unprecedented financial and social aid the same black consistencies display in the white majority societies of Canada and the United Kingdom where never existed historic oppression. Within the United States, neither the end of segregation, nor black school busing, nor black youth academic and financial programs have broken these racial IQ consistencies.
Behold black fortune: besides the 75 year span of European colonization, Africa has remained globally virtually unmolested since the dawn of man. Africa contains 98% of the world’s chromium, 90% of its cobalt, 90% of its platinum, 80% of its coltan, 70% of its tantalite, 64% of its manganese, 50% of its gold, 50% of its diamonds, 33% of its uranium, and abundant oil. Additionally, since 1950 the world’s countries have given Africa a free $1,400,000,000,000—that’s 1,400,000 units of $1,000,000.
What have blacks achieved from this? In world history Africans have produced relatively nothing technologically noteworthy, as can be immediately proven by the difficulty to prove otherwise without using the internet (Science and anthropology attests that the ancient Egyptian civilization almost certainly originated from the Middle East and Europe. Carthaginians descended from Phoenicians.) Before blacks encountered an outsider they had not built a two-story building or a mechanical device, nor had they domesticated a beast of burden, nor had they invented a calendar, a written language, or the wheel. Today the least prosperous African countries are those that were least touched by European colonization, while the most advanced are those most habituated by whites. Even though two centuries have passed since colonialists revealed to Africans the value of their resources and demonstrated how to cultivate them, excluding Antarctica, the African continent currently ranks dead last in GDP and life longevity. The 2018 global slavery index ranks Africa first in current slaves per capita with 9,240,000 active African slaves. Over 200,000 children were sold in West Africa in 2018 alone. The same cultural consistency manifests 4000 miles away from Africa in the black nation of Haiti. Despite its over 200 years of independence, and receipt of many billions of dollars in free assistance, Haiti is the poorest country by far in the Western Hemisphere with a GNP per capita totaling a mere one-third of the next poorest country of Nicaragua.
What are the chances that after reading this section a Democrat will admit the black race is less intelligent than others?... 0.0%. What are the chances he believes he is intellectually sound?... 100.0%. Don’t believe these percentages?... Ask him. Better yet, behold this quote from professional “racial justice educator” Debby Irving: “The idea of race is just that, an idea — a social construct developed in the 1600’s during the Enlightenment fervor to classify nature. Since these early efforts to categorize humanity’s immense variation, the idea that the “white” race is superior has been promoted and perpetuated by none other than the white race. Simultaneously, white people have discriminated against and loaded with stereotypes those they’ve labeled as “other races.” The combined effect has created the perception that race does exist and is attached to inherent human differences such as intelligence, emotional make up, and athletic ability. Worst of all, this illusion has created massively different life experiences and outcomes for people according to assigned “race.” The differences we observe along racial lines today are the result of hundreds of years of racism, the system of allocating power and resources by racial categorization. Though race is not real; racism is very real.” It is truly sad, isn’t it? Is it even possible to be any more brainwashed than Ms. Irving?
For a conclusive wealth of facts and analysis on race statistics you can peruse Michael Levin’s previously quoted book “Why Race Matters.”
- This literature can be found at
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