What Islam Really Says About Jihad, Martyrdom, and Women's Rights | A Conversation with Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

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The Kim Iversen Show LIVE | November 10, 2023

Hamza Yusuf is one of the foremost authorities on Islam. Jordan's Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre places him 36th on its list of the top 500 most influential Muslims in the world. Hamza is an American who converted to Islam as a young adult after a near death experience. He is now a scholar and co-founder of Zaytuna College, a private liberal arts Muslim college based in Berkeley, California. He is an advisor to both the Center for Islamic Studies at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley and the Islamic Studies Programme at Stanford University. He also serves as vice-president of the UAE-based Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies. The Guardian has referred to Yusuf as "arguably the West's most influential Islamic scholar". The New Yorker magazine also called him "perhaps the most influential Islamic scholar in the Western world".
What is the Qur'an? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhIJX92Ovn0
Hamza's Website: https://sandala.org/

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