Religions = Pride (believing one's Religion holds ALL Truth, thereby discounting all other beliefs)

1 year ago
108 >>scroll down some, for the article content.
Safe/harmless spiritual cleansing rituals to become reborn of the Spirit of our Creator and start anew:

Using Plan B/abortive contraceptives, abortion at any stage, abolishing the death penalty, cursing: this is all considered Murder... ALTHOUGH, Our Father Spirit of All-Forgiving, as long as you come to Him with a contrite heart and the right attitude.

The spirit of unborn babies [of unbelieving men] are automatically returned to the corpse and used by Satanists and witches in the abortion clinics; unborn spirits are the easiest disembodied spirits/demons to train.

There are ONLY 2 SIDES in this world/ultimate testing grounds:
A Servant of our Father Spirit [the Almighty/Most High] Yah the Eternally Self-Existing (aka Yahooeh{Yahweh}) OR a servant of Satan.
There are Anointed ones of the Spirit of Yah and (the opposite) illuminated ones of Satan(that partake in the murder/sacrifice of babies, infants, children and even family members to "stay in the club").

Religions are keeping humans in the past errors and misguidance of man and bondage to the disembodied spirits/demons that operate in the mind of humans who carry sin/break any of the Ten Commandments.

Almighty Father is calling for all Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc. to come OUT of man-made Religions/Books and turn DIRECTLY to Him, as exampled by Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Son of Almighty, also Muhammad and many others who conversed and learned with our Father Spirit/Almighty [Creator of the Universe and the Heavens].

Valid Prayers, aligned with His will that enable Him to communicate: --

There are different Ranks in the Heavens, based upon one's relationship with the Almighty, during time on earth: (scroll down for article content)

our Father Spirit appeared as Fire/Smoke at Mount Sinai and gave the Ten Commandments(on the stone tablets) to Moshe{moses} which apply to ALL BELIEVERS (Jews, Muslims, Christians, etc.) -

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