GI Joe vs Transformers Opening - Season 1

1 year ago

An opening sequence for a GI Joe vs Transformers crossover series.

Footage comes from GI Joe openings from the first two mini-series, the first and second season openings from GI Joe, and the first season opening from the Transformers. Additional Transformers episodes used were:
More Than Meets The Eye, Part 2
Megatron's Master Plan Part 2
Auto Berserk

Animation corrections: Sideswipe's red head from the pilot series

I have ripped my DVDs using WonderFox DVD Ripper for a crisper video image than the Pinnacle Instant DVD Recorder used in the previous video though I suspect the frame rates are different for the Transformer sets because of the tinkering I had to do.

Audio tracks for GI Joe and Transformers instrumental openings layered and juxtaposed with added sound effects and vocals. I used GoldWave for the audio track and Photoshop 7.0 for masks and Corel VisualStudio 2018 for the video editing.

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