Jewish organiser of pro Palestine rally gets the sack by Starmer.

10 months ago

The staff member, who is also anational secretary of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, gets the boot from 'ruthless' Starmer.
Right, so nothing quite says I’m on the side of the Jewish community, I’m on the side of Israel quite like sacking a Jewish member of staff for organising a pro-Palestine rally, but this is exactly what Keir Starmer has done this week, because where he might use the term Jewish, we all should know by now that he means Zionist. Under his leadership more Jewish members of the Labour Party have been purged, expelled, than under any other leader, because where Labour speaks of antisemitism, what they really mean is anti-Zionism, and there are plenty of Jewish people in the world who are anti-Zionism, who are against what they are observing happening in Israel, because this isn’t about a dream of a land for Jewish people now, the concept of which in and of itself offends the beliefs of many Jews, but has become synonymous with the eradication and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people who are seen as less than human by the apartheid Israeli state. That’s what Zionism in practice became, so it should be opposed. However when one of Keir Starmer’s senior members of staff, Jewish himself organised for Palestine, helped organise a rally for them, that became a sacking offence for the self confessed ruthless Labour leader and Zionist without qualification Keir Starmer.
Right, so let’s start with a nod towards that ruthlessness claim of Keir Starmer’s here before we come onto that preposterous and offensive sacking. Starmer has gone on record, in Esquire Magazine no less, saying ruthlessness is a good thing. The bulk of the article is quite nauseating to be honest, there are puff pieces on politicians and there’s this, it’s tea with 8 sugars kind of sickening, yet again we have the old my father was a toolmaker, my mother was a nurse routine, but the one line that makes this article worthy of drawing attention too was Starmer’s attitude towards antisemitism and his treatment of Jeremy Corbyn, because in the article he said ‘Sometimes you have to be ruthless to be a good leader.’ My first instinct was to ask where is this good leader then, I haven’t seen them? But of course he’s talking about himself. Ruthlessness, the dictionary definition of the word, though it’s a word we probably all feel we are familiar with, is: ‘the quality of lacking pity or compassion for others.’ It is literally the opposite of compassion. I think compassion is a good quality for a leader, therefore ruthlessness never can be. But ruthlessness is what we’ve seen from Starmer certainly regarding Corbyn, certainly regarding all of those the Labour Party has purged, we can certainly point to Starmer’s ruthlessness in that, and also that it is reflected in the decisions he’s made policy wise, breaking his promises, his pledges and his vows to the public on what he stands for, so that nobody really knows what he would actually do in power, but admitting to being ruthless is probably the most honest thing Starmer has ever actually said and there is no shortage of evidence to point that out.

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