"My Parents Did The Best They Could" Brought Us Sociopath Abusers With NO Accountability

1 year ago

Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on OneGreatWorkNetwork.com of Mark Passio's WhatOnEarthIsHappening.com
criminalized for being Healthy, having Rightful Self Defense against the ENEMIES WITHIN the "family" and "community".
Instead of those in "Authority" taking responsibility for being MIS aligned and acknowledging the child's Bodies Healthy ADVERSE RESPONSE to their treatment as Feedback and then making the necessary changes, it's been the Child, the most Healthy, Innocent and Vulnerable who gets Knocked down a bunch of notches.
THEN, people Wonder how we arrived at a place of Jab Injuries and Deaths, MASSIVE Dysfunctional relationships, the Masses Giving their Power away to Abusers, the RAGING Stockholm Syndrome pandemic and the TOTAL IGNORANCE of what Emotional Health even IS in the US

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