Vancouver Jail Guards Torture Accused Person

1 year ago

On Friday, October 27th, 2023, less than two weeks before the date on which Crown assured Mr. Lefebvre's lawyer that all charges in R v. Lefebvre, 34612-1, would be stayed (providing Mr. Lefebvre remained in compliance with his bail conditions), Mr. Lefebvre was arrested for allegedly breaching one of those conditions.

Several hours after his arrest, Mr. Lefebvre was released from the Vancouver jail at 222 Main Street, Vancouver, BC.

Upon his release two guards subdued and violently escorted Mr. Lefebvre out of the jail.

While one guard restrained one arm, another guard began to gradually apply extreme pressure in bending Mr. Lefebvre's wrist, thereby forcing Mr. Lefebvre to either take action to defend himself or scream in pain.

A third guard then began to mock Mr. Lefebvre's screams of pain.

Mr. Lefebvre's head was pushed up against the wall outside the jail before he was pushed to the ground. His belongings were dropped to the ground next to him.

Based on the results of an x-ray of Mr. Lefebvre's wrist, an on-duty doctor at St. Paul's hospital prescribed a wrist brace to address the injury; a minor sprain.

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