Palestinian Children Pretending To Kill Israeli Soldiers In School Play

1 year ago

Schools plays are a fun tradition for many schools; you dress your little kids up in silly costumes and send them out on stage so they can fumble through their lines to the delight of an assembly of parents and extended families. Good times had by all! Maybe it's a fun little Thanksgiving show, a show for Christmas with kids dressed as elves, could be a little play about kids at camp or something to celebrate the coming of summer. If you're in Palestinian controlled territory, though, your children's play may be of an entirely more terrifying and propagandistic nature. What type of school plays do your kids put on? These Palestinian children role play murdering Israelis and becoming “martyrs.”

• More at: Twitchy - Sickening! Video Purports to Show Palestinian Children Pretending to Kill Israeli Soldiers in School Play

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