কাঠ শিম / পাহাড়ি শিম / মৌ শিম ভর্তা রেসিপি ॥ Mou Sim Vorta Recipe ॥ Sim Vorta Recipe In Bangla

1 year ago

কাঠ শিম / পাহাড়ি শিম / মৌ শিম ভর্তা রেসিপি ॥ Mou Sim Vorta Recipe ॥ Sim Vorta Recipe In Bangla

In the winter season mou beans are very easily available in the market. The mou beans are quite tall in size and the beans taste good too. And so more or less everyone likes mou sim. But it is quite fun to cook as well as stuffing. The mou sim vorta is very tasty with hot rice. Take a look at the recipe.


* 5 to 6 mou beans
* 2 large cloves of garlic
* Onion chopped half a cup
* 7 to 8 green chillies
* Salt to taste
* Mustard oil in quantity
* Chopped coriander leaves 2 tbsp
* method


First cut the beans into big pieces and boil them in a pan. Then fry the beans, onions, garlic and green chillies separately in a pan with a little oil. Now beat all the ingredients together. Once the dough is ready, add salt, coriander leaves and oil to make a delicious mou sim varta.

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