DR. RICHARD SPENCE - GENO_CIDE BEGETS GENO_CIDE? TOSN-145 -11.10.2023- Israel–Hamas, Gaza, Terrorism

1 year ago

Note: Apparently Rumble censors certain words...until I changed the name of the title...this video would only show for Rumble subscribers! So the viewers are now split between two uploads of the same page.
This latest Middle-East conflict now enters its third week - Palestinian people - with an average age of 18 - are without Water, Food, Electricity, Communications, and Medical Supplies… which are basic human rights.
While many world puppet leaders seem hell-bent on offering their full support to Israel.
All the while - People of all nationalities, religion, colour and ethnic origins flood the streets around the globe to demonstrate their dissatisfaction...
Join us this evening - to listen to our special return guest - Dr Richard Spence - an esteemed historian and author - who will offer valuable context, discuss and shed light on the origins of this conflict - with a view to Disentangle Division and bring Lasting Peace.

Showpage: https://www.OtherSideoftheNews.com/tosn-145
Co-Hosts: Kynthea, Timothy Saunders, and Annetta Driskell.
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