Palestinian Children in School taught to Kill the Jewish people.

10 months ago

I personally lived in Israel and can attest to the fact that indeed the Palestinian children are taught to hate and to kill the Jewish people in Israel. In the Quran it teaches both young and old to be a part of "Jihad" (to kill unbelievers for Alah... wherever they find them!)

On the radio (you could hear them say, several times a day!) "Push the Jews into the Sea!". I also avoided (by the grace of God) bomb attacks... one in a store that was bombed... and another time a Truck that was bombed in Jerusalem. Jihadist have bombed buses, public places including Elementary schools to kill the children. Islam and the Quran teach hatred and murder of anyone who is not of the Islamic religion.

These foolish liberals who are protesting for Gaza are truly clueless of the desire of every jihadist (taught in the Quran) to kill all people that are not Islamic... EVEN these Liberal Protesters... and to take over the whole world for their violent moon god Alah! By the way Alah is NOT the same God as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Do research on Islam and on Mohammed, his 6-year-old wife Fatima, and his violent wars he led to take over the world for Alah. They would cut of the heads of what they call 'Infidels' or unbelievers. It's the same today!

Sadly, leaders around the world still send these killers millions and sometimes billions as aid relief, with they use to travel the world and cause more chaos and death... all in the name of their God... as they yell out "Alah Akbar!"... which means... "god/Alah is great." But he is NOT the real god... but a false god of violence and hatred for ANYONE who is not Islamic!

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