The Public Access Podcast 487 - From Blockbuster to Stand-up: Steven Eurioste's Chronicle

1 year ago

The Public Access Podcast 487 - From Blockbuster to Stand-up: Steven Eurioste's Chronicle

Unlock the door to a world of nostalgia and laughter with Rusty Diamond and special guest Steven Eurioste in this riveting episode of the Public Access Podcast. Recorded on November 10, 2023, this conversation is a rollercoaster ride through the realms of podcasting, childhood memories, and the ever-evolving world of entertainment.

Join Rusty and Steven as they dive deep into their shared love for podcasting and the art of storytelling. With a blend of insightful reflections and lighthearted banter, the duo takes a stroll down memory lane, reminiscing about the golden era of childhood classics, including the timeless Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

But the journey doesn't stop there. Rusty and Steven unravel the layers of nostalgia woven into iconic movies like Batman, Short Circuit, and Police Academy. From the era of VHS tapes to the format wars of HD DVD and Blu-ray, the hosts explore the technological evolution that has shaped their movie-watching experiences.

The laughter continues as Rusty and Steven share anecdotes from their time working at a bustling movie rental store in Denver, complete with the quirks of Casa Bonita. Dive into the transformations of this iconic establishment, courtesy of Trey Parker and Matt Stone, as the hosts express their eagerness to revisit the revamped venue.

Education and career choices take the spotlight as Rusty and Steven open up about their unique paths. From Rusty's unconventional approach to learning to Steven's stint at Blockbuster and his foray into stand-up comedy, the duo explores the twists and turns that led them to prioritize family life.

The conversation takes a heartwarming turn as Steven recounts his journey through the comedy industry, overcoming challenges, and finding solace in writing and publishing children's books. Discover the power of positivity and resilience as Steven shares his transformation from a difficult period in life to embracing a brighter future.

Rusty and Steven cap off the episode with a poignant discussion on parenting, advocating for children's freedom to explore while emphasizing the importance of meaningful conversations and learning from others.

Connect with Steven Eurioste and explore more of his work at Don't miss the video version on Rumble or Youtube, and catch the podcast on your favorite platforms. Remember to like, comment, subscribe, and share, and visit Rusty's website at Dive into The Rusty Diamond Network's other exciting shows, including The Thinking Man's Pro Wrestling Podcast, Saved by the Ben, and This Is It with Lizzy. This episode is proudly brought to you by Hypnosis Is Great.

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