Claim your Strawman – Peter Wilson

1 year ago

4 Stages of Cognitive Dissonance that comes with Awakening to the Truth about how we have been Lied to:

1. Denial – you all are conspiracy theorists, that can’t be true
2. Anger – holy shit, there may be some truth to what they are saying
3. Depression – OMG – they are right, this is fucking horrible
4. Acceptance – as time passes we can accept it and try to figure what to do about it

EVERYTHING that we have been told our whole lives are either flat out LIES or just Wrong. Everything from all your education from birth till now, everything from the authorities, from the “science” from the politicians and from the news.

We have been programmed from Pre-Birth as we were in the womb. Our mothers were programmed from the Tell-Lies-Vision and her education, which is passed through vibration and frequency to the womb through the water.

School Indoctrination is starting early and early now. They want the children away from the parents as soon as possible and as much as possible.

School would be EXCELLENT if it was true Education, but it’s not. It is pure Indoctrination. We can’t blame the teachers as they were programmed from Birth also, they are brainwashed with lies that they believe to be truth.

You are taught to comply, to behave and to obey authority. Whether they are aware of it or not, the teachers are instilling children to be FEARFUL of authority figures.

The are taking critical thinking completely out of the educational system. They are conditioning children to be dependent on their books, their “education” which is designed to keep you dumbed down and keep your vibration low.

The Legal Name Deception

Our birth certificate has nothing to do with being born alive. A live birth is being recorded by our footprint and the real certificate which is sent to the Vatican.

When the Vatican receives this, it is assigned a CUSIP Number. A CUSIP Number is a unique identifier that tracks the security of the certificate through different financial systems. The certificate of live birth is evidence of a transaction connected to money arising from the estate, indicating the presence of collateral or obligations due to the estate.

These are really a Satanic Group of evils going way, way back.

What they are doing is stealing your Soul when they take your footprint. The sole of your foot.

We are not birthed. We are berthed. We are a ship or a vessel going into dock. We come out of the mothers waters through a birth canal and we are docked by a dock-tor.

We are cargo.

Why are we cargo? Because they believe we are their property. We are not a man or a women we are like chattel, like their property. They own us from birth.

They do not want you to stand as a man or a women, thus we see today how hard they are pushing the transgender thing and the pronoun thing. They do not want us to have any standing whatsoever.

We are cargo that can be arrested and put in the dry dock or prison.

Men and Women have inalienable rights that cannot be removed as we were given these rights by our Creator – God.

As they label us Cargo – they believe we have no rights but have benefits and privileges which can be taken away at any time.

Look at how they engineered the whole Covid Plandemic – you have to wear a mask to this restaurant but as soon as you are seated you can take the mask off to eat, but then you have to put the mask back on when your done. It was NOT about a virus, it was about conditioning us to comply with their bullshit tyranny.

Everything in their world of perception is about WATER. It is all about Maritime Admiralty Law or Contract Law also called Commerce Law or Law of the Sea.

What is the difference between Liberty and Freedom?

Liberty is something that can be taken away. Freedom is something that is inalienable, you can do what you want to do to pursuit happiness. They love to make these two terms interchangeable as they want them to be perceived as Privileges. Privileges can be taken away, which means you can be controlled. Never consent to privileges but fight for rights which are forever. Privileges are temporary.

The Ship Words: They love their ship words.

Citizenship, Membership, Apprenticeship, Township, Partnership, Friendship, Workmanship, Championship, Ownership, Sponsorship, Leadership, Scholarship, Fellowship, Censorship, Relationship, Leadership, Dictatorship, Kinship, Craftsmanship.

Why do these words always end in SHIP?

It is ALL about Maritime. All about the Water. All about the people being Lost at Sea and Presumed Dead. This is truly how they believe and how they structured their whole system for the chattel. We are nothing but tradable securities, bonds or commodities that can fluctuate in monetary value.

Banking Terms they Use: *Remember – Everything is about Water.

Frozen Assets, Liquid Assets, Banks, Currents, Currency, Stock Float, Drowning in Debt, Keep your head above Water, Maintain your Buoyancy, Freeze your Bank Accounts.

Oh, that’s all just a coincidence. BULLSHIT. There are no coincidences with these insane maniacs. This is how they created the system and the English language, with Spells. Spelling. The English language was created for spelling – to cast spells.

Everything is founded off of Ships and the Water.

When the birth certificate is sent to the Vatican, the government creates another one joins your given name to the Surname in all Capital Letters.

Notice: All bills come with your name in capital letters.

All capital letters implies a Corporation.

We have a Defacto – Fake Government, there is no such thing as a real government. It is a Corporation. Because they are a corporation they can only contract with other corporations. They cannot deal with a living man or woman. They created your Strawman as a corporation and the living you is not even acknowledged in their world. We are dead entities or chattel at the very best.

Person – when they make you this corporation, they actually make you a person. The Government Corporation created this person.

Law of Creation – he who creates it owns it.

Who created this person? The government.

Who owns this person? The government.

The name in all capital letters is not your name and you can never own it. They created it and they own it. That is your strawman. It is now owned by the Crown Corporation. It is their property.

Why do they do this?

They use us as collateral to set off any liabilities to all the global banks – the Rothschild Banks.

The Bank of England (not English) and the Federal Reserve (not Federal).

These are Private for Profit Banking Systems.

The true hierarchy: God – Man/Woman – Society – Government – Public Servants – Policy Enforcers.

They want you to believe this hierarchy is inverted or reversed.

Policy Enforcers are police officers who enforce the company policies.

They want you to think that the Government is on top. FALSE.

The Strawman is not a concept, it is a Fact.

To make you do what they want you to do they have to get what is called Joinder.

We were born on the land and they are trying to get us to go back to the sea. They have transferred us to the sea by using our Surname.

They are using our Birth Certificate Bond – called the Cestui Que Vie Trust Bond and they are constantly selling it and trading it, but what they also want is joinder. That means that they want you to live in their fictional little matrix and to constantly contract with them.

How do we Remedy this?

Public vs Private

Public Side: We have Government which was created by the State. You act in the public. You are a member of the public. You deal with legal fiction. You have public privileges. You have legal status. You are De Facto – you have no true rights but privileges.

Private Side: We have man and woman created by God. You live in the private. You are a private man or woman. You deal with lawful facts. You have inalienable rights. You have lawful standing. You are De Jure – you have real inalienable rights.

Legal vs Lawful

Legal Side: You are a Person. You are a Parent. You have children. You are a Citizen, Resident (property in a trust is called res), Sovereign Citizen, a Voter. Mr, Mrs, Dr, Sir, Lady, or Lord. Mr. John Smith. Mrs. Jane Smith. Driver. Passenger. Job.

Lawful Side: You are a man or a woman. You are a Mother or a Father. You have Sons and Daughters. You are a man or woman. You are a man or woman, not a Mr, Mrs, Dr, Sir, Lady or Lord. You are not Mr. John Smith – “I am a man John.” You are not Mrs. Jane Smith you are a women – “I, a woman: Jane. You are not a driver you are a traveler. The man or woman traveling with you is not a passenger but a Guest. We don’t have a job – we provide labor or equity.

When you are called a resident – you are identifying as property.

For them to have Authority over you, they require a Legal Name to Joinder or to Contract with you.

Policy Enforcement Officers always presume that we are a person and they honestly have no idea about any of this, they were deliberately educated by the corporation and so were lawyers, doctors, teachers and just about everyone else.

Jurisdiction – Authority over you. They can only get jurisdiction if we provide joinder – that is to consent to a contract with them.

We have Miranda Rights.

Miranda Rights are named after the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona. Ernesto Miranda was arrested for stealing $8.00 from an Arizona bank worker. After two hours of questioning, Miranda confessed not only to the robbery but also to kidnapping and rape.

Policy Enforcement Officers always want your ID and if you don’t give it to them you are obstructing their inquiry.

Case Law: Rice vs Connolly 1966 -- Connolly (1966) is an English legal precedent holding that there is no strict, general legal duty to assist a police officer prior to any possible arrest or caution, with even basic police inquiries nor to accompany the officer to a requested location.

According to this Case in Law -- You have NO legal duty to assist a police officer prior to any arrest or caution.

Case Law: Neale vs Director of Public Prosecutions 2021 – The justices rejected the appellant's submission of no case to answer and convicted him of willfully obstructing a police officer in the lawful execution of his duty. The regulations are constantly changing, especially during the the Coronavirus plandemic where they are using this fake emergency to add in unlawful regulations on lockdowns.

In this case law the justices rejected the submission of Rice v Connolly 1966 and found the appellant – the man, guilty for obstruction for not providing his name and address to the police officer when asked. They did so on the basis that the police officer had been carrying out his duties during Covid Lockdown and was enforcing the Coronavirus Regulations.

Note: This man was also homeless. There obviously was no compassion in this case nor was their true justice as they ignored the case law of Rice v Connolly 1966 and used the Coronavirus emergency lockdown regulations to justify the conviction of obstructing a policy enforcers execution of duty.

As you can see, they clearly are trying to reform case laws by adding more and more emergency regulations and of course it is best for all of us.

This is tyranny as we do have the right to remain silent when questioned by these policy enforcers. They are enforcing unlawful bullshit policies and they have been mind washed to believe it really is the best for all of us.

Question: Is it against the Law to tell a Policy Enforcer or Police Officer to Fuck Off?

Let’s Look at another Case Law: Harvey v DPP in London, UK. Justices ruled that the words fuck did not threaten the police officer nor where there any other people around in public which caused any disturbance. The charges were quashed. You can look at this London case study of Harvey v DPP 2011 here

They tried this case under the UK’s Public Order Act of 1986.

*Note: Each year they are reforming Public Order Acts to give more power to the Policy Enforcers to prevent “disruptive public acts” and of of course they sell this that it is best for the public.

What people need to know is that this is really a rope with a noose at the end around our neck and every time they make it easier to convict – the noose gets tighter.

Okay, back to the Strawaman.

The greatest problem we have is that they claim ownership of our bodies and our souls.


On the Unam Sanctam – 1302 Pope Boniface VIII, real name Benedetto Caetani – he was from the 13 Tribes or the 13 Venetian Families – he claimed he was the vicar of Christ (the Earthly representative of Christ) and he placed the Earth into a Trust and said you can only get to Heaven if you do what I tell you to do.

Most Catholics have absolutely NO clue about the true intentions and the roles of Popes. They actually worship Baal. They are Luciferians. They are devil worshipers. They believe in the 3 Crowns of Baal. For Christ sake just look at the symbolism. If people really knew.

The invert EVERYTHING to create the most deceitful, deceptive, evil illusion that their God is the God we believe in. NO, no, no.

The Obelisks represent the phallus of their God Nimrod who they worship. They worship the Baphomet. They worship Baal. They all are representative of their idol God.

The 3 Crowns of Baal.

The 1st Crown was the Romanus Pontifex – January 8, 1455 by Nicholas V. Dum Diversas is a papal bull (Order or Proclamation) issued on June 18, 1452 by Pope Nicholas V. Addressed to Afonso V of Portugal, it recognized Portugal's rights to territories it had discovered along the West African coast, and the reduction of the infidels and non-Christians territories to perpetual vassals of the Christian monarch.

This papal bull by Nicholas V allowed Afonso V of Portugual to conquer sorcerers, infidels and pagans in Africa.

So this was a proclamation to murder all Non-Christians.

This also started the Slave Trading in Europe and West Africa.

The 1st Crown was called The Crown of the Land. It was the first Testamentary Trust – the first Cestui Que Vie Trust. This took the rights of the land away from us.

This was the first time a Papal Bull mentioned “for a perpetual remembrance” – so we had no land, we were lost at see, the Holy See.

The 2nd Crown – was created by Pope Sixtus IV, known as the Aeterni Regis or the Crown of Aragon. This was awarded to Spain for a while, then was taken back by the Vatican and now back to Spain in 1975. This was the Second Cestui Que Vie Trust.

This is Cestui Que Vie Trust that was created at your birth by the sale of your living birth certificate as a public bond which is sold to the big Private World Bank. This means you were sold to the Holy Roman Empire. You are now a Roman Person. You are a Slave.

The Crown was controlled by the Venetians but was taken from them by Pope Sixtus IV and was awarded to King James of England and he was also King James VI of Scotland. King James VI was the son of Mary the Queen of Scots. This was given to him after the successful passage of the Union of the Crown of commonwealth. They used the False Flag of Guy Fawkes, who was involved with the failed Gun Powder Plot of 1605. The Gunpowder Plot of 1605, in earlier centuries often called the Gunpowder Treason Plot or the Jesuit Treason, was an unsuccessful attempted regicide against King James I by a group of English Catholics led by Robert Catesby who considered their actions attempted tyrannicide and who sought regime change in England after decades of religious persecution.

So King James VI was given more authority and power after this from Pope Sixtus IV.

The 1st crown took our land. The 2nd crown took our bodies and souls.

The 3rd Crown – created in 1537 by Pope Paul III, known as the Crown of Ecclesiastical See and it was done through the Papal Bull Convocation.

This is the 3rd Cestui Que Vie Trust and is created when a child is baptized. The parents unwittingly grant the baptism certificate to the church, which is the Title to your Soul. So we have no legal standing in their legal society that they created. They say we are cargo without souls, we are property or things to them.

The 3 Crowns of Baal – This is how the BAR – British Accreditation Registry can legally enforce Maritime Law.

The 3rd Cestui Que Vie Trust was created to take our soul.

Pope Paul III was born to Alessandro Farnese. Does this name ring a bell??

The Farnese family are the Black Nobility – and part of the 13 Tribes or the 13 Venetian Families.

The 3rd Crown was set up by the Farnese family to claim all “Lost Souls.” Souls that were lost to the Holy See or souls lost at sea.

The 13 Families are: Farnese, Somaglia, Esti, Conti, Chigi, Breakspear, Orsini – the top family currently, Medici, Borgia, Gaetani, Pallavincini, Borghese, and Aldobrandini.

In 1540 these 13 Venetian families assisted to award King Henry VII the convocation crown. This gave King Henry VII ecclesiastical power to claim all the “lost souls”. This is when he began the reformation of the church. He claimed he was God’s representative on Earth.

1540 -- 1st Cestui Que Vie Trust was set up.

It was Henry who set up the 1st Cestui Que Vie Trust in 1540. All the land in England belonged to him and was held in the trust. It still is till this day. Everyone in England needs to check their land deeds. They are just tenants and really don’t own their land, as we don’t here in America either.

It is owned by the Convocation Crown or the Crown Corporation when it is awarded to the City of London.

1666 – The 2nd Cestui Que Vie Trust was set up.

Cestui Que Vie Act 1666. This subrogated the rights of men and women, meaning all were declared dead, lost at sea. The Government took custody of everybody and their property into a trust. This was done during the black plague when they set fire to London. It was a Babylonian Sacrifice. Sound Familiar Folks? Lahaina “Wild” Fires.

So what they did when they burned it down is they said “we don’t know who is dead, we don’t know who is alive and we are going to put everything in a trust until you come back and tell us. So we will give you 7 years to come and tell us you are alive. You are presumed to be lost at sea.

Have a read of this about 1666 CQV --

This is still in effect today. When a baby is born, there is a period of 7 years to come and claim you are alive. No one has ever explained this.

The London Fires was a false flag event to impose the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666. It was a land grab.

When no one came and claimed the land and wealth after 7 years the government took it for themselves.

As mentioned above, this is in when they begin the birth certificate bullshit. They get the mother to register and then the baby is presumed dead and after 7 years if no evidence of life is proved. That is truly how it works.

The truth is that we are born with Dominion Inalienable Rights and we are granted the dominion of Earth, all the natural resources of the country we are born in belongs to us.

We are considered cargo, property or a person to them. We are a non-living entity.

The government, being a corporation, cannot hold property in a trust so the government created the person to hold the LIFE in trust for the corporation. The person becomes the Trustee of the living soul. All trusts have rules. In the Cestui Que Vie Trust they are called Statutes of Legislation.

Most of things we think are laws are actually statutes.

Now they needed you joinder, you cooperation, your consent to follow these statutes and rules.

Joinder happens when you accept the title, owning the all capital persons full legal name.

When they ask you -- “ Do you understand” they are not asking you do you comprehend. They are asking you do you stand under the authority.

How do we Remedy all of this?

You have to declare that you are a man or a woman living in the private. You are not a person or an implied corporation or company.

We were born two different entities.
GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation – your data is protected. It is held in a constructive trust, you are the data subject. The GDPR is an example of having rights to privacy and dignity protected by statutory legislation.

Data Controller – one who collects data about you.

Data Processor – employed by the data controller to use data.

Both owe us fiduciary obligation under Trust Law of Fairness and Transparency.

In order for our data to be collected we must agree to it 100%. It can’t be a trick for you to give up your private data. There must be Opt in Clauses or some type of consent or agreement or acceptance that you must say yes to. It cannot be an Opt Out, they have to get you to volunteer or accept or decline.

What is the Difference between a Contract and an Agreement?

Contract – is a meeting of the minds, it must be signed in wet ink by both parties and must be transparent with the terms and conditions.

Commercial Agreement – the terms and conditions are not negotiable, it is simply accepted by one party. For example your utility bills.

Law of Property Act 1925 – Section 136 – An assignment of debt (which is fake, as there is no such thing as debt) which must be done by a deed, it must be done in writing and is only enforceable if the original party like the bank or the credit card company joins the action. If you don’t pay the debt they will sell the data to a collection agency, not the debt. The can ONLY do this if all 3 parties agree – the bank, the collection agency and you. So, it is only enforceable is all 3 parties agree and that never happens. So you don’t have to pay as it is not enforceable and the debts do not exist.

You can go to which is Peter Wilson’s website and he will have the correct papers you need to get out of the public and go to the private to claim your strawman.

If you want to get into the private you have to do this paperwork which is in line with the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666, which is what they ask for.

1. Lawful Notice and Demand -- You will have to fill out what is called: Lawful Notice and Demand

2. Security Agreement – you will list your property and you should even put it into Trust while doing this.

3. Power of Attorney or POA – the Power of Attorney is where we are actually giving the Living Man the power of attorney and not the legal fiction strawman.

Once all this is completed these are sent off to the Sinister 7. which is a list of government offices, make sure you have proof that it is tracked and signed for and that it was received.

You have 40 days and 40 nights to wait until you send in your second Affidavit which says thank you for not rebutting or arguing against the first one so now we know we are all in agreement that I am in fact in line with the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 on the government website.

You give them another 40 days and 40 nights.

Tacit Consent: We actually use the tacit of consent, just what they have been using on us for decades. They believe since we haven’t argued or rebutted that we accept all the acts of parliament, all the statutes and regulations – since we haven’t argued, they think we agree.

We are following the same principle because they haven’t expressed their disagreement and sent a legal rebuttal back to us.

Next move property and all assets into a Private Trust.

Then get a man or a women private ID card. It must have a picture, say A Man or A Woman and then your name i.e. :John:

Keep a copy of your second Affidavit in case someone questions you and you can explain to them that they have ZERO Jurisdiction or Authority over you. You now live in the private and not the public. This will be your proof that you are a Living Man.

Also, keep a copy of Habeas Corpus – in case a policy enforcer captures you and believes they have the authority to keep you. They have no authority.

Video Source: Re-WritingHistory2Q2Q --

Other Sources:

Next See:
Trusts – 5 Good Reasons to you should have a Private Trust --

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