Choose To Replenish

10 months ago

November 10th
Choose To Replenish

For me, when I need some time off, I choose golf. I enjoy it. Some times we just need to choose to replenish our soul. It was a good choice for me the other day. I needed it, my soul needed it and I was so glad I made that choice to take some time off.

Put some rest on your calendar this week. Take some time off, it will be so good for your soul. God puts a lot of things on our plate and we depend on Him to be equipped to carry them out by His strength and navigation. There are times that we can be so very busy and it is all good, and all God directed, but our body gets tired. This is why God leads us to take a “time out” making a choice to step outside of all the hustle and bustle of our lives and take some time to shake off everything we don’t need to be carrying and just replenish our soul. Take a deep breathe of God’s peace in your soul. Replenish! Even Jesus needed a break!

 As often as possible Jesus withdrew to out-of-the-way places for prayer. Luke 5:16

Choose To Take Some Time Off! Replenish! It is so good to do this, refresh our soul and we need it. We are human, with a human condition. Many times we carry way too much than we should be carrying and we get burdened, kind of like a heavy weight on your shoulders and it makes it hard to walk. Have you ever felt like: I can’t take another step!! When we get tired, this is when we start powering through this and it depletes us totally. This can be our soul, it can be very tired, especially if we are powering through our life, instead of letting God shoulder our cares and burdens.

It is hard in a chaotic culture of busy, busy, busy, to stop and take some time off. I feel guilty when I do it. We are conditioned by our culture to go, go, go and go and be productive. God does not expect this from us, in fact He modeled through Jesus the need to withdraw and replenish our soul. We human beings, we usually push ourselves into a crash and burn situation emotionally, physically and spiritually. We keep going until we dead-end. Why not stop and choose to replenish sooner, before we crash and burn!?? We push ourselves so hard, we need to change it up.

A Grateful Heart Replenishes The Peace Of Our Soul By Ushering In A God Harmony Like No Other. God Responds To A Heart Of Thanksgiving With His Shalom That Shatters Chaos In Our Soul With His Peace.

When I get soul tired, compassion fatigued and I don’t take care of it, ignoring the signs of it, I lose my peace and without that harmony with God, I can do nothing well, nothing that matters. I need time off and when I make that right choice, I do better. So I did that the other day. I just did it. I went and played 9 holes of golf, all by myself. The day was beautiful, the air was clean, fresh and the sunshine was refreshing. It was such a time of God connection for my soul and I enjoyed it so much, because golf is one of my favorite sports. I am telling you that it really refreshed my soul.

Do something you love today, take some time off, replenish your soul, refresh your spirit. You will be so glad you did. I sure am glad I played those nine holes of golf. I did not play as well as I would have liked to, but I sure enjoyed it. God bless ya! Replenish Your Soul! Choose To Replenish!
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