KYS - 90s Kids Are Bitter Beings

1 year ago
Well my perceptions pretty shit since I was raised on Disney flicks
A pretty princess in distress has been impressed on 90s kids
But nowadays seems datings more like navigating fields of mines
Just imagine my surprise realizing I've been sold a lie

At the time when we were born folks could afford their piece of pie
But 90s kids won't own a home with price of property so high
The only way to live your life is to submit to social norms
And entanglement with banks will give you debt in many forms
Don't forget to pay your taxes or they'll burn you at the stake
Set alarms for work tomorrow as your savings slowly drain

Here a Boy Meets World and world moves on
All I wanted was my own Topanga
Civilization reached a new dawn
All I ever got for free was anger

Even Blue has no Clue where we are
I think all Steve wanted was a family
Civilization has gone too far
All we ever wanted…

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