Andre Hodge - Amplifying The Echos Of Our Souls Ancient Truth 6 - Chaos19 Prefrontal Cortex Discord

11 months ago

🙏 Amplifying The Echos Of Our Souls Ancient Truth 7 🙏
🙏 Our Dormant Potentials That Await Us 🙏

Do you feel things should be simple, but are actually incredibly complex?
Do you sense you know more, but its like a mirage on your horizon always beyond reach?
Have you been searching endlessly, but feel further away from what you seek?
Have you volunteered your trust in your quest...And its been smashed into trillions of pieces?
Do you still go forth, tireless, empowered, relentless thirstier than ever...knowing deep down there is more to you, us and all around us now?
And, you are being inspired, driven, clearer than you have ever been.....Sensing a breakthrough is reverberating through to your infinite soul

Perhaps all that is needed is the correct interpretation of things. That is the key to unlocking everything.

Maybe its been within you all along....and upon hearing this. You honestly didn't allow yourself even the slightest possibility consider it. You have been thorough, motivated in some powerful self, soulful complete trust. That at some time you will know what to do and how to do it. And it, like all truths. Is simple and elegant because for the vast numbers in humanity to be able to do the same. It can't be rocket science.

Perhaps what you sought so inspired for so long has been felt countless times. Its just been the interpretation of what you have experienced countless times. How vital is the correct interpretation though? And, how easily you can be led away if you give your power away also? You may realise then, so many times you have experienced it in fact. You have more than likely become callas to it. That incorrectly interpreted opportunity singing to you. Where a subtle recalibration, inspired focus and trust in yourself was all you needed. To be the key to unlock what may have been dormant in you. A key though now will be the significance you appreciate the subtitles of the incredible technology you presently occupy. That has been eternally patient for you to truly arrive.

Thank you for find me and allowing me the honour of being a part of your journey. Here, now in what ever form it may be.

I hope today's release inspires you to not give up. To actually push harder than ever before. Ut will empower you to dig deeper, push harder and uncover what ever may lay before you. And, realise the incredible potential that may have been so close but yet so far. Only waiting for you have the courage to see things for what they truly are. Amplifying that building echo deep down. That you are the one we have been waiting for. And, your time is now.

Thank you for your courage to be here and to even find me :)

🐉♾🙏 Enjoy and Dream Big :) 🙏♾🐉

How to Access Me for Healing Sessions:

Amplify The Echos Series:

♾🙏 Andre Hodge - Amplifying The Echos Of Our Souls Ancient Truth 🙏♾

♾🙏 Andre Hodge - Amplifying The Echos Of Our Souls Ancient Truth 2 - Awaken The Earth Guardian Within 🙏♾

♾🙏 Amplifying The Echos Of Our Souls Ancient Truth 3 - How Epic Things Are We Are In 🙏♾

♾🙏 Amplifying The Echos Of Our Souls Ancient Truth 4 - Humanity's Set Up For Failure 3470BC 🙏♾

♾🙏 Amplifying The Echos Of Our Souls Ancient Truth 5 - Our Potential Beyond The Narrative 🙏♾

♾🙏 Amplifying The Echos Of Our Souls Ancient Truth 6 - Chaos19 Prefrontal Cortex Discord 🙏♾

Amplifying The Echos Of Our Souls Ancient Truth Playlist:

Infinite Potential Healing Playlist:

Multidimensional Method to the 3D Madness Playlist:

Galactic Special Forces Playlist:

All YouTube Videos:

Bitchute Channel Videos:


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