Top New Games of the Week:10th November 2023| Game Siren #callofduty #codmodernwarfare3 #newgames

1 year ago

In this week's top new game releases, we have the following:
1.Call of Duty Modern Warfare III
2. Little Goody Two Shoes
3. Nickelodeon AllStar Brawl 2
4. Logic Town
5. Risk of Rain Returns
6. Like A Dragon Gaiden The Man Who Erased His Name
7. Stronghold Definitive Edition
8. Roboquest
9. Ratopia
10. The Invincible

#games #topgames #topgamesoftheweek #newgames #newgamesthisweek #callofduty #callofdutymodernwarfare3 #modernwarfare3 #cod #codmw3 #littlegoodytwoshoes #nickelodeonallstarsbrawl #nickelodeonallstarbrawl2 #logictown #riskofrainreturns #likeadragongaiden #likeadragongaidenthemanwhoerasedhisname #stronghold #strongholddefinitiveedition #roboquest #ratopia #theinvincible #shooter #shootergame #shootergames #platformer #platformergames #platformgames #rpggames #actiongames #strategygames #adventuregames #tacticsgames #tacticalgames #tacticalrpg #pixelgames #pixelartgames #cellshaded #cellshading #actionrpg #mmorpg #mmorpgs #rts #realtimestrategygames #rtsgames #puzzlegames #puzzlegame #turnbasedstrategy #soulslike #soulslikegame #soulslikegames #dungeoncrawler #hackandslash #hacknslash #roguelike #roguelite #moba #farmingsimulator #simulator #simulationgame #fps #firstpersonshooter #fpsgames #jrpg

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