From the pages of the Bible, the (2) Jerusalem(s) Juxtaposed

1 year ago

Gabriel Savant uses this capsulized media format to expose one of the (2) Jerusalems named in the Bible as the counterfeit one. The other Jerusalem is where true believers should place their affections. Using misdirection, flimflamming Holy Joes fleece millions of people to look in the wrong direction for either false doctrine or monetary purposes. As the old saying says: “follow the money” and the Bible warns that the love of loot is the root of all evil. Remember: Holy God is in the cleansing business but He’s not in the whitewashing business. Thanks for checking out my playlist (below) of timely & timely installments including one entitled: If the state of Israel is God’s true Israel, then why in the world is their emblem the Satanic 666 Hexagram? Hmmm. Go with God and He’ll go with you. Guarantee! Gabriel

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