Collective Sunday Call: MasterPeace with Matthew Hazen - Zeolite Toxin Removal

1 year ago

MasterPeace by Human Consciousness Support

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Matthew Hazen is the owner of Human Consciousness Support, a company that produces a unique nutraceutical product called MasterPeace. His quest to raise the health and consciousness of himself and all of mankind ultimately led him to heavily research zeolites and marine plasma. Matthew was mentored personally under Michael Coe, Chief scientific officer of Kansas State University, one of the top nano research labs in America. Together they formulated a nano-sized zeolite particle range never done before. Matthew developed this formula further with his assistant to make it the most bioavailable possible, enabling it to cleanse out modern toxins and nourish the cell itself simultaneously.

Matthew is a true humanitarian and man of great integrity. His heart and soul go into everything he does, including his family of 5 children and life partner, Laura. While he started and maintained successful businesses throughout his life, his interest in holistic health kept increasing. He realized mankind needed a solution to deal with the onslaught of environmental toxins, lack of nutrition and ever lowering consciousness.

Matthew has manifested a team of doers like no other to assist in the production, education and dissemination of a one of a kind product that holds the highest consciousness field known at this time. He is a fierce protector of it, his family and team. A true humble leader.
Matthew Hazen
CEO/Human Consciousness Support

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The Collective Purpose: To awaken people to be Sovereign Conscious Humanitarians.

The Collective End State: People have ascended to their true spiritual consciousness and are lovingly helping in the sacred rebirth of humanity.

The Collective Method: To enable a virtuous Collective that inspires people to shine through physical, mental and emotional reconnection to GOD.

Our culture is one of:

DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this video or any associated informative platforms is to be considered financial advice. Brownie, The Collective, Humanitarians United all members of the Telegram Chats and any other social medium channel are not to be considered financial advisors. All information is provided as is and for education and entertainment purposes only on Lobstr, GESARA, Conscious Leadership, humanitarian projects, ascension, healthy living, funding new technologies, inventions, and start-up companies to rebuild our world. As always, the decision to put any information, all or in part, resides with the viewer, and they are advised strongly to Do Your Own Research (DYOR). Brownie and The Collective Family are a worldwide group of Sovereign Conscious Humanitarians who all possess the desire to help and be of benefit to our planet and inhabitants to Shine.

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