Easy snow shoveling ... the next Olympic sport?

1 year ago

Tips for pain-free, pleasurable snow shoveling -- with Feldenkrais -- make the paradigm shift to a happier body, happier life. 
You can see some good footage of me using my whole body to spiral the snow effortlessly off into space. The power and effortlessness and pleasure comes in moving with your whole body, feeling and exploring ever greater internal connection and synergy.
There are also some points in the video where I am thinking a little too hard about what I’m going to say, and I lose connection a little bit with my body, and I demonstrate these powerful shoveling spirals using mostly my arms, which is not the most effortless or powerful way to shovel. That’s what happens when you get in your head and disconnected from your body ... you become fragmented and you lose both power and pleasure.
Stay connected with the physical joy of movement, and feeling your body and do this in a way that feels good, not with a body-disconnected fixation on getting the job done.
Moving in this way is not something you can learn or understand mentally. It comes from feeling, from a body intelligence that the mind can't begin to grasp.
Treat your body like a living intelligence, like a child you love, not like a thing to be used and  forgotten about until the next time you need it.
To learn more about Feldenkrais, download Feldenkrais movement lessons or work directly with Kevin, visit kevincassity.com

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