if you hate this world you are on the winning team

1 year ago

blue bottle coffee bold cold brewed coffee
if you say you're humble you're probably not
self-reflection is one thing but grandiose statements are sumin else
maybe that's just my lack, vortex
you can't brag bout humility or empathy
this was pretty fuckin good
the ingredients are supposed to be read
i am arrogant cos i'm right n misanthropic
the stuff that they can change they don't even bother w/
left to iphone & android devices everyone is a shell of themselves
smartphones have infantilized society
i sleep w/ stuffed animals still n play w/ plastic dinosaurs
i'm not gonna focus on what i can't do but what i can
i dunno anyone that benefits from meds
the meds just make it worse cos it suppresses emotions
why would you continue to take sumin that is not working
how does this make me mean suggesting suicide
taxing n boring n surrounded by retards

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