Fundamentals of Biological Dentistry Course | Phil Mollica, DMD

1 year ago

Fundamentals of Biological Dentistry Course: Foundational Concepts of Integrating Biologic, Safe
and Effective Therapies into a new paradigm of dentistry (session 1) | Phil

IAOMT Spring Conference in Dallas, TX
March 5, 2020

Philip Mollica, MS, DMD, NMD, graduated from UMDNJ–New Jersey Dental School. He is Professor
Emeritus from the Departments of Dentistry and Integrative Medicine at Capital University of
Integrative Medicine, Washington, D.C.

Dr. Mollica was chairman of the Institutional Review Board at CUIM. He now chairs the IRB for the
American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry, lectures for a variety of Ozone Therapy
Associations around the world, is Vice President of the AAO, and holds Ozone Therapy in Dentistry
courses 25 to 30 times per year. He also is the director at Wellville Institute for Advanced Oxygen
Studies. He has a private practice in Saddle Brook, N.J.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this video is not intended as medical advice and
should not be interpreted as such. If you seek medical advice, please consult with a health care
professional. Also, the information in this video represents the thoughts of the individual
speaker/s, and the views expressed in this interview do not necessarily reflect the views of the
IAOMT, its individual members, its Executive Committee, its Scientific Advisory Council, its
administration, its employees, contractors, sponsors, or any other IAOMT affiliates.

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