Scorpio New Moon Nov 13 ’23 #highvibe #astrology #scorpio #newmoon

1 year ago
34 The Nov 13 Scorpio New Moon is conjunct Mars and forming an opposition to Uranus. Pandora’s box is suddenly opening and exposing the underbelly of the collective shadow. As these energies progress over the next few weeks to the Gemini Full Moon and as we head towards the Scorpio Full Moon in May we can expect to know much more than we currently do, and perhaps want to know. However, a date to look forward to is April 18, when Jupiter will form an exact conjunction at the 21 degree point Uranus occupies at this new new moon. Jupiter/Uranus conjunct in Taurus symbolizes a beautiful gift from the universe.

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Affirmations and Harmonies: 24:03

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Sun/Moon/Mars conjunction:
I embrace the courage to face my own vulnerabilities, and am energizing a new cycle of greater authenticity and fearless honesty in my life.

Sun/Moon/Uranus opposition:
When I relinquish the need to control what unfolds in my life, the universe steps in to align my steps for the highest good of all.

Sun/Moon/Neptune trine:
It is when I cannot see clearly the path before me that I learn to rely on my feeling nature, tune into spirit, and find my way with peace and trust.

Merc/Venus/Sedna for sextile & trine:
I am learning to perceive the world from a more ancient perspective that simultaneously builds a solid foundation right now as well as a sustainable future for the world.

Merc/Saturn/Sedna - t-square from Saturn to Merc/Sedna:
As the old paradigm seeks to disrupt any progress, I stay committed to my path, and to the adventure of seeking truths beyond my current understanding of reality.

Mars/Uranus opposition:
The changes taking place in my world are merely designed to free up more energy and vitality for greater courage, authenticity, and inspiration.

Pluto/Sedna trine:
I help to facilitate the rebirth of humanity when I consciously recalibrate my own emotional responses toward love, honesty, and greater levels of maturity.

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