ThePatriotNurse Proves Herself as an Evil Zionists Who is Sorely Deceived and Confused About History

1 year ago

ThePatriotNurse Proves Herself as an Evil Zionists Who is Sorely Deceived and Confused About History
UNFOLLOWED. Lol, What a Dupe
The Battle Lines For WW3: The Left, Islam and Domestic Enemies
November 9, 2023
My message to ThePatriotNurse:
Yeah, No. Winston Churchill was a complete villain. Britain is to blame for starting World War 1 & 2. They were evil Globalists. Global Hegemony is coming from Britain and the City of London. The Anglo-American Establishment were 100% Behind the Bolshevik Revolution and the establishment of the CCP as a world power.
Lol. Reading Winston Churchill is PROPAGANDA. Reading Quigley's The Anglo-American Establishment will lead you to Truth. Not the Fabian Pilgrims Society Shill Winston Churchill.
- and Gabriel and McKibben have Conclusively Proven the Britain Backed and Trained Lennon and Stalin. Lol. Or go listen to Jay Dyer.
You are painfully misled. You have not even scraped the surface of Truth. For God's sake, the Globalist New World Order is being led out of the City of London. Who the hell do you think controls the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group and the entire US Deep State? For God's sake. You need to research the Cecil Rhoades Round Table Groups, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House and the Anglo-American Establishment. Because your ignorance is infecting your followers.
The British Empire created the modern day Mid East. They are the cause of ALL problems. The Rothschild Bankers Banker Wars. Hello
People who have no damn clue what they are talking about should not be putting themselves out there as some kind of authority. You are part of the problem, not the solution. And anyone who backs Israel is backing Ethnic Cleansing. You are sadly Decieved. Christian Zionists are Duped. Israel is ran by the most evil monsters in the entire world. They are Zionist Hell Bent on World Domination.
I can no longer follow you. Goodbye Zionist...And You Are the One Who Needs to Study True History...
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