Libra Moon Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Libra Moon Energy Vlog title is from the date November 9, 2023, thus we have #18 the Moon card of illusion and intuition of the Moon in Libra. U went through the Transits for the day.
The Schumann Resonance today Disclosure site showed us two amplitudes . The first amplitude was a power of 9 the hermit at 8:45 AM UTC thus we have the Star bringing hope and clarity to the Hermit on his inner journey.The next amplitude power 15 was from the A-4 chart at 9:15 AM UTC, thus we have the Devil ushering in the Devil maybe they are fighting each other that would be nice. The quality power was 21.0, thus we have the world or universe Card thus completion end of the hero's journey. The Frequency Average is7.93 hertz , thus #19 The Sun card the bringer of light abundance. Though it can be intense. Therefore we can say7 the Illustory Libra Moon Moving the Hermit out into the World at the Dawning of Sun waking us all.

Space weather News site showed us a class C CME but is was n on the dep;arting limb at an angle of ninety degrees from us. Several Phi angle flips showed up on the X ray flux chart. the solar wind density was at about nine protons per second the wind speed was 300 (KPS). the Solar wind temperature hit 250 to 300 thousand Kelvin so really hot. The KP index of geomagnetic activitywas in the green zone Level Three the highest one plus the lowest.

I shared a bit of Beyond Mystic 003 bank failure video which adde reass several issues like the failure of Citizens bank and penalties on JP Morgan bank judgement of 100 million usd lin penalties.
Banking Failure video :
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather News Site:

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