The Illusion | Do Your Own Research Frens

1 year ago

The Illusion

That's a N300WQ doing Bathymetric LIDAR scans. It's an Advanced LIDAR system operated by Woolpert, an engineering consulting firm, in support of the National Costal Mapping Program of the U.S. Army Corps if Engineers (USACE) to map coastal waters in high resolution.

The specific instrument on board is the TELEDYNE OPTEC CZMIL Bathymetric System.

This Sophisticated Sensor can reliably capture data down to depths of about 165 feet and can detect objects like sunken vessels or other navigation hazards etc. These scans are done every 5 years since 2004 and is useful for several things, supporting projects in different areas such as Defense. Marine Biology, Navigation, Meteorology, Oceanography, etc

If you are on the California Coast don't worry about exposure, time and height. Beyond leisure speed won't give you any problems it's just a Coast Scan System.

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