Dr. David E. Martin - Corona Committee #60 - COVID Patent Findings

1 year ago

The Corona Committee was founded in July of 2020.
Source: https://archive.org/details/stiftung_corona_ausschuss_sitzung_60

More than 120 patents prove that SARS-CoV-2 is laboratory created
Pandemic is a marketing campaign by BigPharma
Vaccination is based on the result of a computer simulation
Spike proteins as a bioweapon
Vaccine: Side effects prove bioweapon characteristics
CDC: Bribery & Corruption

Dr. David E. Martin
(Founder & Managing Director of M-CAM International; Charlottesville, VA / USA )

M-CAM's field of activities the business of innovation and its financing; To do this, the company monitors worldwide which innovations are documented through patents, patent applications, procurement documents, e-government records, federal subsidies, etc.; From this, it derives three stock indices that reflect the best-performing large and medium-sized companies worldwide. Based on the SARS/coronavirus issue, M-CAM has evaluated over 4,000 patents . Result: there is no new coronavirus the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) . After sequencing the genome , the World Health Organization (WHO) classified the coronavirus as novel; M-CAM compared the sections of the viral genome classified as "novel" with the patents granted up to spring 2020 and surprisingly discovered more than 120 patented areas that indicate that this is in no way a novel coronavirus; instead, numerous, very subtle changes in coronavirus sequences were gradually introduced into the genome; these changed sequences belong to patents that were registered from 1999 onwards; this refutes the frequently cited scientific article by Andersen et al. (2020) (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7095063/#) January 28 , 2000 : First patent application for a vaccine against the coronavirus Until the turn of the millennium, patent applications in connection with coronaviruses only occurred in the field of veterinary medicine by two research groups: Prof. Ralph S. Baric researched coronaviruses in rabbits and the pharmaceutical company Pfizer researched coronaviruses in dogs; on January 28th .to the United States Patent and Trademark Office for Pfizer Inc. to patent a vaccine against the spike protein of a coronavirus that affects dogs; the patent was granted on April 16, 2002 under the number US 6,372,224 B1 ( https://archive.org/details/us_patent_6372224 ); This patent refers to the spike protein in the same way as the vaccines in the current vaccination campaign - only with the difference that people are now supposed to be treated with it.

April 19, 2002: "WE MADE AND PATENTED SARS!"
Anthony Fauci and colleagues at the US research center National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) recognized the usefulness of the coronavirus as a potential candidate for HIV vaccines, so they funded research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Campus to create an infectious but incapable of reproducing coronavirus that targets human lung tissue [AK: presumably as a vector vaccine]; the patent for this was issued on April 19, 2002 by the working group of Prof. Ralph S. Barics registered by the University of North Carolina, even before the first outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) occurred in Guangdong Province / China in November 2002; the patent was granted on October 9, 2007 under the number 7,279,327 ( https://archive.org/details/us_patent_7279327 ); it is based on this precise gene sequencing demonstrated that many elements of this pathogen can be engineered and modified in the laboratory; All you do is use computer code, which you either convert directly into a pathogen or into an intermediate product of the pathogen; This means: Prof. Ralph S. Baric and his colleagues from the University of North Carolina created the SARS virus (!) with research funds from the NIAID under its director Anthony Fauci.

Fall 2001: Integration into bioweapons surveillance:
M-CAM monitored from the beginning of 2000 Violations of the United Nations Biological and Chemical Weapons Conventions ; After several letters were sent in the wake of the attacks in September 2001 in the USA that were contaminated with anthrax pathogens and caused panic among the population, M-CAM was included in the investigations; On the one hand, it was about the question of where the anthrax bacteria come from; made Dr. suspicious. Martin that only two US Postal employees were assigned to investigate the largest bioterror attack in US history; one would expect that a team of professionals would have been assembled; Furthermore, the unusual price behavior of Bayer shares on the stock markets should be investigated - Bayer produced a drug with the active ingredient ciprofloxacin to treat anthrax; During the entire research, the M-CAM team noticed that an enormous number of bacterial and viral pathogens had been patented at least since autumn 2001; The patents have been issued to, among others, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) , the NIAID , the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases(US AMRIID) , the US Armed Services Infectious Disease Program , as well as a number of other international agencies; Dr.'s biggest concern Martin was therefore convinced that coronaviruses could not only be used as vector vaccines, but also as bioweapons.

January 6, 2004: Conference "SARS and Bioterrorism":
The US pharmaceutical company Merck from New Jersey introduced the term "The New Normal", which was later used by WHO, Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, etc. was adopted; This conference was about how to persuade people to accept widespread vaccination against influenza and coronavirus diseases; The biotech company Moderna knew this and was supposed to be in the front row of vaccine providers for the coming problem in March 2019. April 12,

2004: Patent application for the entire genome of the SARS coronavirus:
after the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic in China in autumn 2002 was applied for US health authority Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , which is subordinate to the Ministry of Health, on April 12th, 2004 [AK: April 2003 is accidentally mentioned in the video and April 12th. with April 25th swapped] a patent on the entire gene sequence of the human SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) ; the patent office recognized that 99.9% of the genome in the application matched the genome of natural coronaviruses and twice rejected the CDC application for penalty; in fact, it is a clear violation of the law (35 US Code Section 101) since one cannot patent a natural substance; However, the CDC each paid a bribe to the patent office and received the patent number 7,220,852 on May 22, 2007 ( https://archive.org/details/us_patent_7220852 ); This raises the question of who ordered this, at what time and with what motivation.

Several patents are derived from this patent, including No. 46592703p and No. 7,776,521 ( https://archive.org/details/us_patent_7776521 ); they concern not only the gene sequence of the SARS coronavirus, but also its detection using an RT-PCR test; In order to keep these patents from becoming publicly available, further bribes were paid, as the Patent Office files show; In principle, there is a conflict of interest, because you cannot hold the patent on the genome of the coronavirus and at the same time on its detection

April 28, 2004: just 16 days later, Sequoia reports the first application:
Sequoia Pharmaceuticals reported only 16 days after filing the patent (!) CDChas already filed a patent for the first process against the SARS coronavirus, which is intended to prevent the docking process with a human target cell and prevent an outbreak of the disease; How can you register a finished drug for patent just 16 days after the genome was not publicly filed for patent? Another problem arises: the patent number 7,151,163 was issued on December 19, 2006 ( https://archive.org/details/us_patent_7151163 ) - five months before the CDC received its patent on the SARS coronavirus; it is absolutely not possible to produce a drug against an artificial pathogen before it is even known; Sequoia could therefore only have received the necessary information for its drug from a CDC insider; This is a criminal conspiracy and collusion under the US RICO Act to combat and convict criminal activities June

5, 2009: Patent application for furin cleavage, spike protein, ACE2 receptor, etc.
Ablynx applied for a whole series of patents on Amino acid sequences that prevent a virus from attaching to a cell [AK: the video accidentally mentions the year 2008 for registration]; the patent was granted under number 9,193,780 on November 24, 2015 ( https://archive.org/details/us_patent_9193780 ); Legal question: how can furin cleavage, spike protein and ACE2 receptor mechanism in SARS-CoV-2 and its spread in the human body be completely new features - as has been claimed by numerous scientists, journalists and politicians since spring 2020 - if Ablynx already applied for a patent on exactly these features in 2009? But Ablynx is by no means alone, as M-CAM has found 117 patents on the binding mechanism for the ACE2 receptor and 73 patents for other properties that were granted between 2008 and 2019 to the following companies and institutions:

University of Hong Kong (CHN)
Chinese National Human Genome Center, Shanghai (CHN)
Ludwig Maximillan University of Munich (DEU)
Crucell (NED) and Pfizer (USA), which bought this company
Ablynx (BEL) and Sanofi (FRA), which bought this company
Rubius Therapeutics (USA)
Children's Medical Corporation (USA)
Protein Sciences Corporation (USA)
Dana- Farber Cancer Institute (USA)
University of Iowa (USA)

While the central scientific document claims three possible origins of SARS-CoV-2 based on supposedly completely novel properties, Dr. Martin draws a completely different picture from the patents: there was no outbreak of a new SARS virus at all because all the elements had already been manufactured years before. 2012: MERS epidemic in the Middle East 2014-2017: the USA imposes a moratorium on the gain- of Function research within the USA 2015: the treacherous prophecy of Peter Daszak Peter Daszak - managing director of the US EcoHealth Alliance and well connected in WHO and numerous scientific organizations - made a revealing remark in 2015 that is almost emblematic of current events: “Unless the crisis caused by an infectious disease is very real and present and does not reach a threshold of emergency, it is often largely ignored. We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as: B. a vaccine against all influenza or coronaviruses, in order to maintain financing through the crisis. A key factor in this is the media, and the economy will then follow the hype. We need to use this hype to our advantage to get to the real problems. Investors will jump on this bandwagon if they see a profit at the end of the process." (National Academies Press Publication, February 12, 2016, original quote: https://www.nap.edu/read/21809/chapter/7#73 )

2016-2019: Fauci's laments at every board meeting of the NIAID Advisory Board lamented its director Anthony Fauci the low acceptance of flu vaccinations 09/2019: the WHO plays on people's fear of diseases In the second half of the 2010s, however, the attitude towards vaccinations among authorities and companies changed: what would it be like if a pathogen that caused respiratory diseases would spread, intentionally or accidentally? This exact scenario is described in the book "A World At Risk" by the World Health Organization (WHO) ( https://archive.org/details/gpmb-annualreport-2019-a-world-at-risk ), a few months before the alleged start of a devastating pandemic; the WHO calls for a globally coordinated approach, a control of people through media and PR, mass surveillance and the acceptance of the WHO as an overarching center of power; all of these steps would have to be taken by September 2020 03/2019: Moderna changes patent applications for reasons that are not understandable four rejected patent applications to begin developing a vaccine against a coronavirus explicitly released intentionally or accidentally - but Moderna didn't have the technology to do it; two Canadian companies - Arbutus Pharmaceuticals and Acuitas Pharmaceuticals - owned the patents for lipid nanoparticle shells into which the mRNA fragments for the spike proteins had to be embedded; they are the basis for producing a vaccine; Moderna acquired the technological capabilities by fall.

11/2019: Insider information to Moderna
Moderna was sent the gene sequence of the spike protein by the NIAID by telephone before the pathogen SARS-CoV-2 became known over a month later; Therefore, at the beginning of the current pandemic, we are again dealing with a RICO Act. (see above)

2020: SARS-CoV-2 makes its way around the world
Martin theory: fed by the fear of serious illness, people should be “vaccinated” to be tempted; However, this is a deliberately designed bioweapon, namely the spike proteins that are to be injected into people to make them dependent on a coronavirus vaccine.

Where are we today?

If you look at the individual sequences, you will see that in many cases the artificial sequences are related, but in other cases they overlap if we want to understand the consequences of vaccination for each individual, we need to know the exact sequence sequence; It seems to be the case that even if the sequence in the serum matches 100%, the mode of action can be different in different people there is no indication that any new clinical picture has emerged since November 2019 that did not previously exist; This also applies to a number of pathogen-typical symptoms such as atypical pneumonia we address this by doing something completely unnecessary: ​​we inject billions of people with an mRNA sequence for the production of the S1 spike protein, which we know causes harm; All of this does not follow a script from nature, but is based on a computer simulation the entire so-called pandemic is purely a marketing campaign; Peter Daszak presented the entire program that is currently running back in 2015. (see above)

Peter Daszak discussing SARS & Gain of Function:

References | further media:
Patent No. US 6,372,224 B1: https://archive.org/details/us_patent_6372224
patent no. US 7,279,327 B2: https://archive.org/details/us_patent_7279327
patent no. US 7,220,852 B1: https://archive.org/details/us_patent_7220852
patent no. US 7,151,163 B2: https://archive.org/details/us_patent_7151163
patent no. US 7,776,521 B1: https://archive.org/details/us_patent_7776521
patent no. US 9,193,780 B2: https://archive.org/details/us_patent_9193780

Every Person from the following paper KNOW they are liars.
(i.e. Andersen, KG, Rambaut, A., Lipkin, WI, Holmes, EC, & Garry, RF)
The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2. Nature medicine, 26(4), 450–452:
This is intended to help the cover-up. They are all co-conspirators to murder.

Brundtland, Gro Harlem et al. (2019): A World At Risk.
Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies. - World Health Organization, Global Preparedness Monitoring Board; Geneva. - Document via WHO: https://apps.who.int/gpmb/assets/annual_report/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf; document via Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/gpmb-annualreport-2019-a-world-at-risk

Wizemann, Theresa et al. (2016): Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases. 6. Developing MCMs for Coronaviruses. - The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Washington, DC: 73. - Document via The National Academy Press (NAP): https://www.nap.edu/read/21809/chapter/7#73

Mikki Willis (2020): Plandemic I: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1eHJZyVuI6T0/
Dr. Judy Mikovits talks with documentary-maker Mikki Willis about her work and how she was discredited by the pharmaceutical industry because of her revolutionary discoveries.

Mikki Willis (2020): Plandemic II: Indoctornation: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZFjRALF5nkHd/
Indoctornation, tracks a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic.

Plandemic III: The Great Awakening

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