Sunak sulks as the Met Police refuse to ban Armistice ceasefire march.

1 year ago

Sunak can sulk over pesky freedoms people he wants to celebrate fought and died for, but the Met says We WIll March.
Right, so it would appear that Rishi Sunak has attempted to have the pro Palestine March in London on Armistice Day stopped, by trying to convince Met Police Commissioner Mark Rowley, to do so, but in uncustomary style for the Met, they’ve told Sunak they will not do that. People still have free speech, freedom of expression and the freedom to protest and to demonstrate for a cause they believe in, is still theirs by right to take. What made this an even weaker action by our spineless Prime Minister is that the Met Police confirmed all of this days ago, yet Sunak has still tried to clamp down on our civil rights again anyway, our protected human rights, to stand up for Palestine, because rich boy Rishi might have told Benjamin Netanyahu that he hope he wins, but the loss of life on the scale we’ve seen in Gaza, the breaches of international law, allegedly as they remain, until properly investigated of course, but the loss of civilian life on the scale we’ve seen it surely makes that a moot point? Yet it is a point that people are horrified by sufficiently that they will march, will stand up and be counted, will take a stand against until our governmental leaders who are supposed to serve us, start listening to what the majority in this country actually want, rather than the interests of their own donors.
Right so little Rishi he’s spat the dummy, he’s been stamping his size 13 feet, kids size obviously, because Mark Rowley, the Met Police Commissioner has repeated what the Met Police said days ago, that the pro Palestine March planned for Saturday, on Armistice Day will go ahead, because there is no reason to stop it. Between him and Braverman they’ve claimed offence, they’ve claimed that there will be damage, they’ve claimed there will be violence, they’ve claimed it’ll be in poor taste, but backing a country currently bombing an inescapable strip of land where half the inhabitants are kids, is more than in poor taste to me, it’s utterly depraved and sickening.
Sunak is a sunk Prime Minister anyway, he’s done, we’re sick of the Tories and their depravity, but this pro-Israel stance in the face of everything we are witnessing thanks to social media and also foreign media it has to be said, so often so much better than our own billionaire owned press because they present the news instead of trying to make it, we’re more aware of this genocide and the truth of it in real time in a way we’ve never seen before, more awake to the reality than we ever have been before. So Sunak can have his sulk, and very much has in the form of his statement on the matter which reads:
‘This weekend people around the UK will come together in quiet reflection to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for this country. It is not hyperbole to say that we are beneficiaries of an inheritance born of that sacrifice.

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