The Lord Says- I Have Laid a Great Feast for You - Come to MY Table, All My Beloved - Prophetic Word

11 months ago

Hi everyone. I am sharing tonight the words the Lord gave me on May 1st- this is actually the second message from May 1st. Please do subscribe, like and comment on this video as well as share with others. All these things help to get the message out. Be encouraged saints, our Lord will not leave us or forsake us. Here is the transcript for this message:

May 1st (PM)

I have called you by my name
For my purposes
For a time such as this
You have only to be faithful
Speak as I direct you
I have prepared palaces for you, my people
A great city
That you you would be with me forever
You will see my city coming down from on high
The new Jerusalem
Behold, I am making all things new
The old is passing away that the new might come

Prepare the soil of the hearts of men
Till up the hard ground
That it would be ready for the seed
This is not easy soil
Tares have corrupted the crop

I will speak
You will listen to me
I have set a day for the feast of the bridegroom
I am calling the guests for the feast to make ready
This is the call
This is the time
This is the day of salvation
The harvest is here

If the guests of the bridegroom will not come
Then go to the highways, to the marketplace
And bring all who have ears to hear

I have laid a great feast before you
Come to my table, all my beloved
I have longed to eat and drink with you again
Come all who are hungry, all who who thirst

There is a throne in heaven
And one who sits upon it
Like the son of man
He is the lamb who was slain
He is the only one worthy to open the scroll
The seals will soon be opened
The trumpets will soon resound
Heaven is waiting with anticipation for the great and mighty day of the Lamb
All is ready
The day approaches
You must declare it to my people
For those who have ears to hear
Do not fear what they may think of you
Fear rather what I think of you

Soon you will see me
Write it
Speak it
Tell it
Tell the story of this mighty thing

Make known this word I have given to you
It is not for you alone
Do not withhold this word
I will prepare an audience for you
This is the work
I will guide you
Do not fear
Only obey

I see a mighty tower
A lighthouse stretching into heaven
And a light that shines in the darkness
The darkness cannot overcome this strong tower
This mighty fortress

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