The Lord Says- I AM NOT SILENT as the gods of the Nations are silent! Prophetic Word from the Lord

1 year ago

Hi everyone. I'm back with another message from the Lord- this one is from April 29th, 2023. I am trying to get the whole series up as quickly as I can, but there are a lot more to go. I am thankful for all of you who view, like, comment and subscribe to this channel. Please do share this message with others if you feel led and please have a look at the other videos on this channel if you would like to hear more of the things the Lord has said.

Transcription follows:

April 29th, 2023

Listen for I will speak
I am He who holds the Seven Stars and stands amidst the Seven Golden Lamp stands
I am not silent as the gods of the nations are silent
For I am the Living God
I am He who was and who is and who is to come
I am He who sees into the heart of the matter
I have seen the suffering of my people
And so I will come to them
To comfort them
I will wipe every tear from their eyes
I am He who knocks at the door
If any would open the door to me
Then I would come in to him
And dwell with him forever
A time is coming
It is almost here
When you will see me with your eyes
Your faith will be rewarded with sight
Listen all those who have ears to hear
Look all those who have eyes to see
Prepare the way for me

This message I have given you is to be declared to my people
I will make a way for you to share all that I have given you
I know you are weary
So I will renew your strength
That you may do My will

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