In The Spotlight | Lex Rex: Defending Trump Attorney John Eastman

1 year ago

Alexander Haberbush is founder and president of the California-based Lex Rex Institute, a “legal and public outreach organization that works to empower private individuals to hold government officials at every level accountable to their sworn oaths to uphold the Constitution of the United States,” according to the institute’s website. The translation of its Latin name is “The Law is King,” and Haberbush chose the name because, he believes, all public officials should be accountable to the law.
Haberbush is working on cases for nationally-renowned Dr. John Eastman, one of Trump’s attorneys indicted in the Fulton County, Georgia, case. He calls these a witch hunt and describes them as political persecutions of political opponents. Haberbush points out the dangerous precedent set by cases like those against Eastman.
Not only is Eastman facing criminal indictment in Fulton County, but the state bar court in California is even going after his law license. You can follow the progress of this latter case at It will continue through November 3.
Haberbush sat down in his offices in Long Beach recently to discuss the situation with The New American senior editor Rebecca Terrell.

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