Avoid the echo chamber

1 year ago

Latest article for Catholic365: https://www.catholic365.com/article/32367/yes-christianity-is-a-religion.html
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It's not just leftists that have echo chambers. Okay, so, to correct myself, I said "Russophobe" when I meant "Russophile", I said my little sisters' did a DNA test, this is inaccurate, as they are half sisters, so, this wouldn't tell me a whole lot. My two full sisters (one of which is younger, but, when I say "little sisters", I usually mean my two youngest sisters) have both had DNA tests, as has my mom. Anyway, you're getting the Ukraine-Russia war wrong and the Israel-Palestine conflict wrong. Conservatives are JUST as guilty of being part of the echo chamber as leftists. Audio here: https://filepost.io/d/sgVJcsrqEw
Articles for Catholic365:
https://www.catholic365.com/article/32247/an-overlooked-passage-on-baptismal-regeneration-and-infant-baptism.html https://www.catholic365.com/article/32150/sick-of-the-news-believe-in-the-good-news.html
My first article on Catholic365:
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