lofi ASMR | Q&A | Answering your questions | Sour Candy MUKBANG

1 year ago

Hi there😋
I hope you enjoy today's Q&A ASMR video!
Please excuse the cough at 57:11 🙈

2:16 What brings you life?
4:40 Astrology sign?
6:00 Do you have a garden?
7:58 Do you support the LGBTQ community?
8:52 Favorite thing to do to relax and unwind? 9:37 Plans for the future?
10:23 Favorite sweet treat?
11:31 Are you a religious or spiritual person? 12:31 Motorbike or car? Which do you prefer? 13:47 What would you prefer to be doing if you weren't doing this type of job?
15:49 What does the tattoo art on your right side say?
16:09 Inner qualities you possess that's earned you the most admiration, loyalty, and respect from your fans?
17:44 Favorite alcoholic drink?
18:44 Your dream vacation?
20:33 Favorite type of ASMR to perform?
21:21 Does it take a lot to make you angry?
22:58 Does pineapple belong on pizza?
23:53: If you could choose flight, invisibility, or super strength as a superpower, which one and why?
25:08: Differences between your channels and what we can expect to see here vs. your other channels?
31:18 Any pets?
32:57 Ever seen a ghost or UFO?
34:59 Is there any content you enjoy and want to try it but haven't tried it yet?
35:54 Money or friends?
36:34 If you were a supreme ruler of the world for a day, what would you do?
37:55 Do you get recognized when you go out? 39:00 Do you plan on posting duplicate content on X?
40:10 How tall are you?
41:10 Do you ever have feelings of self-doubt? 45:23 How old are you?
45:30 If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
46:31 What makes you tingle?
46:58 Where are you originally from?
48:00 What advice would you give to your younger self?
50:55 Favorite trigger in roleplays to watch?
51:46 What trigger looks to easy to perform but isn't for you?
52:53 What is something you wish to improve on? 56:33 Which places have you enjoyed traveling to and which places do you want to visit the most in the future?
58:47 Describe yourself in 5 words?
59:57 What's something you've experienced that everyone should experience at least once? 1:02:18 Was it hard to find courage to be online, or are you just naturally talented?
1:03:08 Would you like to do ASMR in Spanish? 1:03:20 Are you single?
1:03:30 Are you an extrovert or introvert?
1:04:39 What do you find attractive or unattractive in others?
1:07:40 Do you ever get the chance to take a good holiday?

- Be sure to wear headphones for the best listening experience.🤓🎧

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