NEW GLOCK!! Glock 49 Gen5 MOS Released!

1 year ago

Found out late last night that Glock has a new handgun just released, it is the Glock 49 Gen 5 MOS. I have one on order as of this morning, and I will do a full review after it is here. In the meantime, here is basically what I know, without having physically touched one yet. It is a Glock 19 frame with a Glock 17 slide and barrel. It is chambered in 9mm, and comes with 15 round capacity for the free states, like us in Florida, or 10 rd mags for the more restrrictive states. It come swith 3 magazines in either example. I believe that this one is through TALO distributors, but you can find them online. Look forward to our full review soon!

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