Unforgiveness, Dark Paths, and Finding God. Interview with Dr. Darrell Tolbert (Podcast #13)

1 year ago

Unforgiveness is a deadly sin. When you're on a dark path in life, it leads you to even more darkness. Thankfully God can help us on our path! Then the teachings of Jesus Christ are more than just words on paper, they are light in a dark world.

Dr Darrell Tolbert is a wealth of resources for personal growth. Today we learn about a man who found himself on a dark path. Seemingly simple life decisions can cascade quickly into life-threatening situations.

When creating this content, I listened to this interview at least 15 times. It was really deep when Dr. Darrell said “Jesus forgave in the midst of his pain”. Dr Darrell and the Bible talk about unforgiveness as a deadly sin. We need to understand forgiveness and work into our daily life. People will hurt us, and we have to choose how we're going to handle forgiveness.

Diadem Life is not a paid sponsor for recommending his work.
Feel free to find his book at Barnes and Noble and other fine bookstores.

Out of the Eater Came Forth Meat!
by Ph.D. Darrell Tolbert

Book Coming Soon!
I Forgave The Two Men I Vowed To Kill

Also, if his message resonates with you feel free to connect with Dr Darrell Tolbert at…

Dr. Darrell Tolbert
TikTok: userv1rotateelevate
FaceBook: Darrell Tolbert
Cell: (352) 361-8473

Follow all this advice at your own risk. The Gospel is illegal in many countries. It could be very hazardous to your health to do what is right. Jesus did what was right and his murder was sanctioned by leaders. Don't be surprised if people disagree with you. You only get one life to live so why why not find truth and follow it as best you can. If you are needing professional advice in the medical field, legal, or any other field that is important… Always follow your professional teams advice. These are informational videos to help people. The information here might not perfectly line up with your custom situations.

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