Abilities are elastic. Not set in stone. Not preordained.

1 year ago

Abilities are elastic. Not set in stone. Not preordained.

Remember when you thought you couldn't? Perhaps ride a bike? Speak a new language? Cook that complicated dish? Yet, with time and effort, you did.

Carol Dweck made an observation, "When people believe their basic qualities can be developed, it leads to greater motivation and achievement."

It's not about 'gifted' or 'not gifted.' It's about stretching what you believe is possible.

Your brain? It's not a fixed entity. Neuroplasticity shouts this truth every day.

Our capabilities? Like elastic bands. Pull, stretch, release. They're dynamic.

"I can't code." Turn that to, "I'm learning to code."

"I'm not a leader." How about, "I'm developing my leadership skills."

In a world that's rapidly changing, Elasticity in thought isn't just a nice-to-have. It's a necessity.

Gone are the days of 'I was born this way.' In are the days of 'I will shape my way.'

An elastic mindset doesn't just help you learn a new skill. It reshapes your world.

If you start to see your abilities as elastic, You won't just stretch skills. You'll stretch possibilities.

In our ever-evolving world, where upskilling is not a luxury but a lifeline, The difference between stagnation and evolution? It's how far you're willing to stretch.

So next time you think of your abilities, Don't see them as fixed, pre-determined molds.

See them as clay. Warm, malleable, waiting for your touch.

Because in the realm of possibility, elasticity reigns supreme.

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