Prepping for 3rd PRS Match. New Tripod!! Garmin Xero!

1 year ago

Well, my 3rd PRS match is coming up this Sunday the 12th. I had inventory at work, so I was racing the clock trying to get out to my range Sunday and Monday before dark with the time change to get a little prep work done. I needed to test some of the Hornady 108s I've been using and some Norma with 107 Matchkings. I got a whole case of each to have plenty of the same lot number now! Not having the same issue as last match!! They both seem to group well, but I'm more confident with the 108s, so that's what I'll be using. I needed to get zeroed again and some speeds to input into the Kestrel. Thankfully, the new Garmin Xero C1 is not dependent on light like my CED was!! I had to take most of my shots after sundown. I set a flash light up to illuminate the target, so it was a bit less than optimal, lol. I was able to get a good zero though and I'm confident in my speed readings, so fingers crossed, this match will be decent.
There is going to get some stages they said I'll need a tripod for. So, I ordered this FatBoy Elevate tripod with their Levitate head. I will do a video showing it off closer soon, but wanted to give you all a look at it. Seems really solid and should work well for my needs!! I like the quick lock and unlock for the head. I got it tensioned down a bit more than shown here, so it should hold position quite well for me. Let me know what questions you have and I'll answer them in the future video on this whole set up!!

I hope I showed off all the little things I'm doing to be more prepared for this match. Let's all hope I do well!! I will set up and get some footage and show you all how it went! Should be some nice weather in the high 60s with light wind. My fingers won't freeze off quite yet. Maybe next month, for sure by January and February matches though!!

Appreciate you watching. Let me know if you have questions and I'll help answer all that I can. Have a great evening and an awesome weekend!!

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