PCMCD Nov 8 2023 Meeting

1 year ago

Discussion of the very generous Life Insurance provided to employees and Retiree's in perpetuty.
Discussion of Tire Piles discovered across the county by Code Enforcement and given to PCMCD to Clean up and pay for disposal of many located on private land. Earlier this week a cleanup was done in one day of 13,000 lbs which is more than are cleaned up in a given year.
Discussion and vote on moving forward with selling the current location of the PCMCD site, discussion of selling the property without the helipad and at least the newest hangar, and possibly retaining the older hanger as well. BPO was $6 Million, well short of the $14 Million they have floated in the past, but the Helipad is quite valuable.

Ms Rogers pointed out that the best Mosquito agencies in the state are the Independent Districts. I believe the comment was made that the least mosquito born disease were in counties with independent districts like Pasco.

Director Rogers spoke about their Friends at the Legislative Delegation, sounded like they need to report back to them on their plans for moving the district to their new "Centrally Located" area.

Seems a little inappropriate for a Commissioner to be joking at a meeting that he will relocate Endangered species for half the cost that the state licensed company is going to charge. 46:15 Mr Evans jokes about he will move the tortoises for half the cost.

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