Beauty, Sex & Astrology - Warrior Goddess Wednesday Livestream

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Welcome to the Wednesday Night Warrior Goddess Livestream where we talk topics of inner strength, connection to the divine and other lessons of love, beauty & sex. I wanted to start off this livestream with a breakdown with how I see beauty - after all beauty is in th eye of the beholder - but remember we are all connected in the greater I. Beauty is also intertwined with intelligence and so, this is why there can be rules of symmetry and the golden mean of perfection in how nature designs - but it's not "too perfect". That ends up somewhere in uncanny valley.
I talk about in an old english paper about the distinction between the "Reality" and the "Real", and how your own disernment is something to value. Beauty, much like Love is a word that comes preloaded with meaning from the many stories that we have built within our psyche.

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