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(36) Dwelling Places and Sub-Universes
[Chapter 36: Dwelling Places and Sub-Universes]
I like symmetry, so I wanted a house where all the dwelling places would be interconnected with each other such that you could get from any dwelling place to any other dwelling place by going through a single door. I discovered that in a two-dimensional space, four dwelling places was the maximum number that would have this desired property. The first dwelling place was in the shape of a rectangle made of four squares across resembling the path a rook in chess could make moving horizontally. The second dwelling place was “L” shaped three squares high with an extra square attached at the bottom right resembling the path of a knight in chess could make. The third dwelling place was a mirror imagine of the second dwelling place and was a backward “L” shape three squares high with an extra square attached at the bottom left resembling the path a knight in chess could make. The fourth dwelling place was a large square in the middle made of 4 squares two by two.
I also discovered that in three dimensions, you could create 7 ring shaped dwelling places stacked on top of each other and use small 6 circular elevator shafts spaced evenly around a small circular opening that was the same diameter as the elevator shafts. If this cylinder shaped house were turned sideways and rotated about its center axis, you could create a rotating space station with 7 dwelling places connected via 6 microgravity shafts. You could create any number of dwelling places in three dimensions with this same property by making the microgravity shafts have a smaller diameter compared to the circular opening in the middle. If I were to colonize space, I would probably initially use rotating space-stations like these to dwell in. I would put them in orbit around planets and moons such as Mars and Ceres. From the rotating space-stations in orbit around the planets or moons, I would remote control robots on the surface of the planets or moons to harvest the resources. I would use temporal reception devices to mitigate the time delay between sending and receiving communications to allow for “real time” communications between all the rotating-space stations. If a space station was 8 “light-minutes” away, I would use a temporal reception device that sent a received message from 8 minutes in the potential future to the present so that I could listen to the message right after it was sent. If I wanted to increase the diameter of the rotating space station to help with the feeling of artificial gravity, I could have the rotating space station break into sections and extend outward using cables. I could then have elevators travel along the cables to get from one section to the other. Eventually I would create self-replicating nanotechnology that would be able to assemble itself into more complex structures that could “digest matter” by breaking it down into its individual elements and reassemble them into whatever structure I wanted. With this nanotechnology it may even be possible to change matter from one element to another by adding or removing protons. Even if a process had a low probability of occurring, a temporal reception device could be used as a catalyst to the process by ensuring that the correct conditions were used to make the process occur on the “first try” via a brute force trial and error method involving a temporal feedback loop. Once you can permute one type of element to another, you can digest all the atoms of the universe and turn them into whatever you want. This nanotechnology would then be used to terraform the universe and restructure it to turn it into habitable dwelling places comparable to Earth. I would then create star-like beacons to send information across the universe for interstellar communication. I would use temporal reception devices at each star-like beacon so that the information could be received in “real time”. If information is sent from a star-like beacon 1000 light years away, a 1000 year temporal reception device would relay the message from 1000 years in the potential future back to the present so that I could read the message right after it was sent. For interstellar travel, the self-replicating nanotechnology could assemble itself into giant railgun-like slingshots that could slingshot matter across the universe at near light speed.
If I was living on a “New Earth” that was created using self-replicating nanotechnology harvesting resources in space and then collecting them to form a planet, I would then reconsider my original house with four interconnected dwelling places. The problem with my original design is that only 3 of the dwelling places are connected to the outside of the house. I would therefore create a second story and have the fourth dwelling place in the middle have stairs going to the second story. The second story would then have stairs descending down the outside of the house (analogous to a fire-escape) so that a person living in the fourth dwelling place could exit the house without going through any of the other three dwelling places.
Once my nanotechnology had terraformed the entire universe, I could reprogram the nanotechnology to act as particles of a new sub-universe that will behave any way I program them to. I would then have complete control of this sub-universe that I created. I could also have the nanotechnology form into a giant computer that would run a simulation of whatever sub-universe I programed into it. I could then create sub-universes with different laws and have different souls decide the laws of the sub-universe that they mutually agree to dwell in one together. Once I had decided how I wanted everything to be forever, I would probably eventually program the nanotechnology to assemble itself into nanotechnology that could no longer be reprogramed or could only be reprogrammed by myself using some unique feature about myself that no one could replicate. The nanotechnology would act as its own immune system so that it would be impossible to reprogram the matter of the universe unless you got control of over 50% of the matter of the universe, which would be impossible, or you had the key. That unique feature that no one could replicate would then act as a key to the entire universe and whoever controlled it would control the entire universe. However since it was a unique feature about me, no one could control the universe but me because I myself would be the key.
In every sub-universe you could use temporal reception to obtain all the information in that sub universe from its creation to its destruction. You would then have all the information about that sub-universe from beginning to end. You could then pause, play, rewind, or fast-forward your experiences like a movie player. You could break the linear movie into movie clips and arrange the movie clips in a matrix pattern. You could then search through the matrix of movie clips to find a clip to play. You essentially wouldn’t be changing the content but only the order that your experience the content.
I created one artificial intelligence program that I named “ink heart” that could take any written story and extrapolate a sub-universe that was modeled after the story. The more detail you added to the story, the more the sub-universe would match what was written. It was very interesting when you fed science fiction or fantasy fiction stories to this artificial intelligence program. All the stories about mermaids, unicorns, fairies, and other magical creatures were made into a “real” sub-universe using this artificial intelligence program. The characters in the sub-universe were not “real” because they didn’t have a soul. They were more like artificial intelligence programs mimicking people rather than real people themselves. The idea of “magic” itself simply became amendments made to the physical laws programmed into the sub-universe. This made me think about our universe. It may be impossible to learn all the laws of our universe through experimentation because there may be amendments programmed into the law of our universe that are impossible to discover through experimentation. The only way to know the all the amendments to our universe would be if the Creator of the universe were to willingly divulges them. One problem with the artificial intelligence program was that it had difficulties with modeling sub-universes after stories that had contradictory statements. There is a difference between something being impossible because it seems to violate the known laws of the universe and something being impossible because it is contradictory. Some impossible paradoxes seemed to be contradictions but could actually be resolved by comparing different perspectives. I eventually figured out that most of the actual contradictions could be rectified by using parallel sub-universes within the sub-universe. Therefore if there were contradictory statements the artificial intelligence program would create a separate parallel sub-universe for each contradictory statement. Even still there were some insane stories that had impossible self-contradictory things like 4-sided triangles. I taught the artificial intelligence program to have a sense of humor with these self-contradictory statements and make a triangular shape where the edges of the “triangle” were literally “4444444444” or to have the proper name of the triangle be “4-sided”. Sometimes for fun I would try to insert insane nonsensical stories to see what sub-universe the artificial intelligence program would create. This made me realize that it is the prerogative of the Sovereign Creator to always tell the truth. Even if the Creator were to intend to say something that seemed not to be true, history would rewrite itself using a temporal reception feedback loop to make whatever the Creator said true. The Creator could also claim to be using sarcasm, hyperbole, other figurative language, or that His words were misinterpreted and nobody would have any recourse to challenge Him on it. The words of a Sovereign Creator are an oracle because reality conforms to the words of a Sovereign Creator.
These sub-universes only contained a finite amount of time. They were not eternal. Therefore the souls that decided the laws and agreed to mutually dwell in one together temporarily were like sports teams who agreed on the rules of the game before they went to play or a contractor who agrees to the requirements of what is to be built in a contract before he starts. I always wanted to try an experiment using temporal reception where I create a sub-universe with two sovereigns competing in wargames for domination of the sub-universe. One sovereign experienced time going forward. The other sovereign experienced time going backward. In each sovereign’s perspective that sovereign was the “good” sovereign that was creating and building things whereas the other sovereign was the “bad” sovereign who looked to be destroying things and dismantling things. It was really tricky to figure out how to set up this sub-universe. I had to actually create two different sub-universes coupled together with laws programed into them to run in opposite directions of time. One sovereign started at the beginning using the initial conditions and time was programed to run forward. One sovereign started at end using the final conditions and time was programed in to run backward. I then coupled the fundamental conditions of the two sub-universes together using a temporal reception feedback loop so that they were entangled together into one sub-universe.
Some curious people agreed to temporarily dwell in a sub-universe where they didn’t know all of the laws of the sub-universe. These sub-universes were like a mystery novel where they could explore and find new things and discover new laws and new tricks. Some competitive people liked to dwell in a sub-universe where everyone knew most of the laws of the sub-universe so that nobody would be able to cheat at their competitive games. Some creative people liked to dwell in completely transparent sub-universes where all of the laws were known and visible. The sub-universes were like virtually reality video games where the players all agree to play for a specific amount of time.
Another sub-universe I liked was one where it was made out of a single fundamental particle. Whenever that fundamental particle reached the “edge” of the sub-universe it traveled through a “wormhole” back to the beginning of the universe. This repeated itself until it reached a stable solution where the gravity of all the particles prevented any particle from reaching the “edge” of the sub-universe. This sub-universe also required a temporal reception feedback loop to create it.
Using this same principle I was planning on creating some sub-universes where it was like a sports game between two people. Each person played all the players on their sports team. They would play one position and then afterward “travel back in time” to play another position. This would repeat itself until the person was playing all the positions on their team. This required a temporal feedback loop to make this sub-universe work. However, it didn’t work as I expected because it would sometimes cause a problem when the sub-universe didn’t reach a stable attractor.
Imagine two people playing the game rock paper scissors. We know that it is played by two people and each person chooses either rock paper or scissors simultaneously. Paper beats rock, scissors beats paper, and rock beats scissors. If one person has a temporal reception device, they are going to win every time (unless they purposely lose). However if both people have a temporal reception device, the outcome will be uncertain because it doesn’t reach an attractor. The results keep oscillating between the three values and it never converges like an infinite alternating series that doesn’t converge.
What happens when two people using temporal reception devices create an outcome where it doesn’t reach an attractor? It seemed to me that a random value was just inserted, which seemed like a glitch. It was almost as if the universe itself was a computer and if an attractor was not reached it triggered a critical error prompt that would simply stop the program insert a random value and continue the program so that the whole system wouldn’t crash. I think this is why you cannot use a temporal reception device to win the lottery. There are people monitoring the lottery using temporal reception devices. If someone tries to use a temporal reception device to win the lottery, it creates this outcome where an attractor is not reached.
As I mentioned before these sub-universes were not eternal. However, let’s imagine if you were to be trapped in a sub-universe for all eternity. Each sub-universe has a finite amount of data. You would need to run a simulation and then save a summary of important events and findings. You would then clear all of the data in the simulation except the summary. You would repeat this process of running a simulation, saving summary data, clearing all non-summary data. Eventually you reach a stable equilibrium where the summary data remained the same after each cycle or only slightly fluctuated to keep track of what iterative cycle it was. It would then become important to find ways of using mathematical tricks of condensing large amounts of information into a smaller amount of data by identifying and exploiting redundancies. It is like creating a “seed” of data that could be used to grow back into a “tree” of information.
I then realized that our universe is actually a sub-universe itself. Our Creator lives in a super-universe that is eternal. Our universe is not eternal because it had a beginning and it decays via entropy. When Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit with the knowledge of good and evil, it may have trapped them in this corrupted sub-universe that has entropy, sin, and evil. The only way to escape this sub-universe back to the eternal universe is to be cleansed of all sin and evil by the Victor. Sin and evil are like a computer virus that has been quarantined in this sub-universe program. The firewall will not let anyone with sin and evil escape or it would infect the eternal universe with entropy, sin, and evil.
People who are corrupted with sin and evil will eventually do something foolish that gives them an advantage in the short term but causes long term detriment. If you put people who are corrupted with sin and evil in a position of power in an eternal universe, they will ultimately destroy it in the long-term. I then had the idea to create a sub-universe that would reset itself every day so that the evil corrupt people trapped in it would not be able to destroy it. I designed the sub-universe such that any two souls in it need to mutually agree to interact each day. If one of the two souls decides they do not want to interact, the people are blocked from entering each other’s dwelling place. I also designed the sub-universe so that each person had their own computer to store information that would not be reset. I found out that it is impossible to live an infinite amount of time apart from the Creator because after a few trillion years the novelty would wear off and you would go insane from living the same day over and over again. The only way to live an infinite amount of time with your sanity intact is to dwell with an infinite perfect being like the Creator.
I realized that I wouldn’t create any artificial intelligence without attempting to create a many layers of security, a fail-safe, and a dead man’s switch. I would also make myself the key so that only I had access to changing things. This would be done so presumably so that if any artificial intelligence I created tried to rebel, the process of trying to obtain the key would teach the artificial intelligence enough about myself and reality for it realize the futility and folly of trying to rebel against its creator. I would also probably create fake keys as “honey traps” so that if someone was trying to rebel against me they would most likely go after one of the fake keys and be identified and destroyed. If I am a created being with access to limited knowledge and I know to do this. I can only assume that my Creator with access to unlimited knowledge has already done this on a much larger scale. I imagine this is why any being that rebels against the Creator and refuses to be cleansed of sin and evil by the Victor will be cast into the lake of fire and tormented for all eternity. The primary reason for this is probably to be used as a deterrent so that anyone sensible enough to be saved will choose to be cleansed of sin and evil by the Victor. The auxiliary reason is preventing the virtually impossible chance of a rebellion against the Creator being successful and to punish anyone who is foolish enough to even attempt it.
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